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Bhajan to be added
Ganesh Charanam : Ganesh bhajan
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Most Loving Sairam!!
You and your family will be doing Aarthi to Swami this Sunday.
We humbly request that you follow some guidelines:
- Men and boys please wear pants and shirt (no shorts). Women and girls please wear modest clothes that reflect your love and respect for Swami.
- Please be seated in the front rows before bhajans start.
- Please come forward to the altar when “Om Tat Sat” is being sung so that you are close to the lamp and there is no delay in starting Aarthi.
- While doing Aarthi don’t block Swami’s Picture; If you are a couple or a family, please stand on one side so everyone can see His image. Best would be to stand on the side opposite to Swami’s chair, so you can do Aarthi to Him.
- Please do Aarthi only clockwise to Swami; start at the Chair where Swami is seated and then proceed to the Altar Picture and then to Shirdi Sai.
- During Aarthi when “Narayana Narayana…” is being sung, turn and show the light to all the devotees sitting in the audience.
- After Aarthi is over, please sit in the front with the audience until the satsang is complete.
We thank you for this service.
Loving Sairams,
Raleigh Sai Center Officers
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