Group 3

Excerpts of the articles are presented below. Please click on the title to read the full article.
1.  SSSE Group 3 Archives


We started with beginning prayers & recap of previous topics: Follow the Master, Face the Devil, Fight till the end, this class was how can we finish the game.

We shared a picture and few prompts that students had to discuss and present.

  • What are your comments on the picture?
  • What makes a person impure while growing?
  • Do you think of any story/incident related to purity and innocence?
  • Think of a caption for the picture above.
  • What does the child get from God


  • Child showed pure devotion in the picture
  • Peer pressure, exposure to the world, being judged pollute devotion as we grow
  • Students shared lot of stories where the outside world did not influence their devotion (Meera, Prahalada, Kannappa, Sai Geeta..)
  • If we can establish & maintain that pure connection to Swami, then Swami will help finish the game by being with us every step of our fight against the devils
  • What are your connections to Swami: Prayers, chanting, service, music, letters


We started with beginning prayers & recap of previous topics: Follow the Master, Face the Devil, this class was what Fight till the end means.

We divided students into 5 breakout rooms, each room was given a category. They had to  discuss & present.

  • Discuss what does Follow the Master, Fight till the end mean in the context given to you
  • Obstacles you will or might face and how to overcome them.
  • Discuss with Examples and inspirations from own/role models.
  • How can you keep yourself motivated


  • Sports\Martial arts:
  • Singing:
  • Instrument:
  • Academics:
  • Dance:


  • Each team presented, overall, all the obstacles\devils identified in each category were 80% internal to us 20% are external
  • Internal enemies keep coming back (example procrastination, anger, fear) so the fight against them or practice or sadhana is continuous
  • Since most of them are internal, effort has to be made by us
  • We shared a funny story told by Swami about internal enemies coming back.


  • We have to be grateful for the learning opportunities each of us has. No one questions, why me for talents they have, so it is our duty to do justice for talent\opportunities Swami has given us.
  • We have to follow our master, Swami our conscience, listen to his teachings to keep ourselves motivated
Feb 14th We started with beginning prayers.Inter faith food drive- Feb community leads confirmed

Recycling project- student presented in group 2 today

Group 3 Tutoring – 3 Grp 1 students paired. 2 tutors started on Friday, one to start on Monday

Valentine day pre sse presentation & Tutoring experience sharing

Experience sharing: We discussed last week’s fight with the devil (fear and anger) with respect to recent activities (Valentine day program and Tutoring).

  • Did you have a fear of failure: Students said, yes because they did not know what & how to do it.
  • How did you overcome it? Understand the audience’s needs, plan what to present, practice it many times, put love and effort into it.
  • Good vs Bad fear: Good fear helped practice many times and be prepared before the event.
  • Did you doubt yourself even before the event: Yes. Prayer to the rescue

Fear of failure goes down when you have to take up the same activity again, but many opportunities in life come only one time, so don’t let the fair stop you. Take up the challenge but plan, practice, pray & you can do it with Swami by your side.

We reviewed the SMART goals and added what % do they think they were successful for the month of Jan & Feb. We discussed what they are doing to improve & tips to help them.

    • FEBRUARY 7TH , 2021:We started with beginning prayers & going over service project updatesInter faith food – Feb community leads signup

      Recycling project- student presented research on this topic

      Group 3 Tutoring – 2 tutors & students finalized (schedules & pairing)

      Valentine day pre sse presentation- program finalized


      We discussed, why Fear is a devil we need to fight?

      Good fear – regulates us. Examples: fear of becoming obese makes us avoid junk food, fear of low grades makes us focus more.

      Bad fear – Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of losing friends, fear of public speaking, fear of appearance, fear of unknown, fear of God.

      Fear arises from
      1. Ignorance – Half knowledge

      2. Not able to see clearly

      3. Considering ourselves weak

      4. Thinking we are not complete

      Leads to Worry => Stress => dimmed discrimination => unethical behavior

      How to face the fear?

      1. Effort: Manage time, put full effort to gain knowledge and skills
      2. Affirmation: I am complete and full
      3. Trust: Why fear when I am here says Baba
      4. Faith: Take refuge in God – My swami can turn things from any situation.

      This requires continuous practice.

    • JANUARY 31ST, 2021:We started with beginning prayers & going over service project updates

      Inter faith food – Jan donations

      Recycling project

      Group 3 Tutoring

      Valentine day pre sse presentation


      We discussed, why is Anger a devil we need to fight? Physical & emotional problems it creates.

      Students gave, examples from mythology, history, contemporary situations of anger that caused damage

      “Follow the Master” & hear from our Swami what to do to face this devil, anger.

      4 Tips to help Control Anger given by Swami- Video we watched

      We discussed effective way of communication when angry with some scenarios (at home, school)

      Life Application: Have a log how many times got angry in a day, how many times you were able to manage it with  tips from the video.

    • JANUARY 24th 2021 :We started the class with beginning prayers.

      Student leads presented their E-day program idea to the class.

      We reviewed monthly food drive donations collected by community leads.


      We showed students 4 pictures and asked them to come up with Swami quotes they can think of. We got many quotes like Why fear when I am here. You take one step, I will take 100 steps etc. Students also gave the quote that is intro to the topic: Follow the Master, Face the Devil, Fight to the End, Finish the game.

      We discussed, Who is the Master that Swami is asking us to follow, Is that Master always with us to ask questions and guide, we shared example of Arjuna & Krishna where master was always there to guide, Swami students who always had Swami physically to guide. But current situation who is this master? Students concluded it is our conscience.

      Conclusion: Master is Swami & he is our conscience. Learn from his life and teachings. Also train to tune into your inner voice. Goal of SSE is to raise students with clean and clear conscience

      We discussed, What is the Devil we have to face? Students gave many examples like internal enemies, anger, lethargy, fear of failure, thought -inability to take up as they think tasks are huge, stress, anxiety, fear of public speaking….

      We ended the class to make an effort to listen to our conscience and we will learn how to face the devils they mentioned in the subsequent classes.

    • JANUARY 17th 2021Session 2: Learn good & get Inspired from others lives. Students presented many inspiring real life experiences they learned from the interviews.

      New service project proposal & plan was reviewed with students.

      Update on existing service projects progress.

      Valentine’s day, E-day idea discussion & plan.


      We had parent teacher meeting @ 3:30pm. It was very encouraging to see 99% parents join, provide feedback and listen to the student presentations.

      During Christmas break, students were asked to conduct interviews of their grand parents, uncle/aunty etc to Learn good & get Inspired from others lives. Students presented to both teachers and parents many inspiring real life experiences they learned from the interviews. 

      Whom did you interview?

      What did they aspire to achieve in their lives

      What were the struggles/hurdles they faced & how they overcame them

      What did you learn from them?

      How will you bring these lessons into your own life to practice?

    • December 20, 2020Today’s was last class on Oneness topic

      Analogy: Showed students many lamps that were not lit except one. All of the others were lit using the one lamp, post which students cannot identify the one that was used to lit them all. Message: Everything is spark of the divine, but we forgot our source.

      We played a Ted Ed video on the discovery of Higgs Boson aka God particle and Higgs field. Quantum physics shows God particle is one that is giving energy to all, the Higgs boson field pervades whole universe that we cannot see but gives mass to the particles.

      We then watched Q&A with Swami on this same topic asked by his students and we dwelled upon Swami’s message for us and Life application.

      Life Application:

      From Swami’s message: How to gain confidence, I am God

      Life Application

          • Mindful living: Always think before every action about the source of the energy (consciousness in you) example
          • When you play instrument – hands moving, memory- attribute to that God/energy in you.
          • When eating, drinking, studying – attribute it to the God/energy in you
          • When you see nature (Water, flowers, fruits)- attribute to the energy (same consciousness in all)
          • Practice God qualities- kindness, compassion, love.

      Class presentation

    • December 13, 2020We started with prayers, had an icebreaker (make a wish for someone else this Christmas, what will that be and for whom). Students mentioned well being on front line workers, everyone who lost family members or jobs during the pandemic.

      Based on last class, students were supposed to set SMART goal to practice from now thru next Swami birthday, monitor and track it. Each student shared their goal and we discussed how to track & measure progress while practicing them. We will share the goals with parents so they can help as well.

      We had open discussion about: Oneness with nature.

          1. What are the 5 elements how are they connected to you?
          2. How can you respect nature through your actions?
          3. Can you share some rituals/customs that keep reminding us that nature is God
    •  December 6, 2020We started with prayers, had an ice breaker (number of dishes you had on Thanksgiving meal) This led to being thankful & our Inter Faith food drive progress, contributions for Nov and plan for Dec. We narrated two stories that Swami shared during a discourse about 1) Story showing how one bad habit can take you down like while digging a well 2) Story showing how one good habit can take you up like while constructing a wall. Activity time: Students were divided into 5 break out rooms & asked to pick one bad habit & tell with example how it leads to many more and 2) pick one good habit show examples how it helps build yourself. Students presented for bad habits: procrastination, lying, wasting time, laziness, too much device time. for good habits: self confidence, Discipline (twice), doing our duties, positive self talk We talked about these good habits in terms more SMART goals. We also discussed different means to learn good virtues: Stories, experience from others, parents, teachers, Swami. To help more learning, we have asked them to Interview their grandparents, uncles/aunts or anyone to get to know their lives and get inspired. Goal: Students have to pick one good habit for Swami’s birthday, parent’s birthday or even their own birthday to start practicing. Students prepare & present their thoughts on Oneness with Nature/Universe in next class.

      Summary of the discussion & class presentation

    • November 8, 2020Students watched a video as homework, they discussed in breakout rooms and presented to the class their thoughts.

      Summary of the discussion & class presentation

      Thought Vibrations -What are you broadcasting?

          • Your intentions/emotions positive or negative are creating vibrations around you and also attracting similar vibrations from the universe
          • A negative emotion/thought impacts you first before it reaches the other person.
          • Positive affirmations and thoughts are the key for the success.

      Word Vibrations

          • Masaru Emoto experiments on impact of vibrations created by words.
          • There is relation between sound vibration and the form it takes.
          • CERN (Geneva) experiment on atom vibrations and form.
          • Watch your words, use them wisely.
          • Do not raise your voice to prove your point.
          • Most of the time, the tone (how you say) is more important than the message (what you say)

      Deed Vibrations

          • Do more and more deeds to show Love, Compassion, Kindness round the clock.
          • These deeds generate highest vibrations for person doing the act, receiving & watching/hearing the act. We discussed how we get emotional while watching a scene in the movie.
          • Self Love
          • Service at home
          • Community service
    • November 1, 2020After invocation prayers we started with an ice breaker, reviewed food drive service and communications on google hangouts

      Today topics

      1) We played Kahoot that covered quarter 1 topics.

      2) we had students divided into 8 breakout groups, gave each grp one topic to discuss for 15mins. Each grp presented the summary of their discussion to the class.

          • Grp 1: Open minded (what is it, how it helps, how to practice, qualities of person with open mind)
          • Grp 2: Learning things faster  (brain hormones, how it helps, tips, practice)
          • Grp 3: What is unity in worldly sense and in spirituality (examples of diversity, unity, practice)
          • Grp 4: Who is dear to God (devotee, qualities, practice)
          • Grp 5: Purity (define, why is it important, how to purify, practice)
          • Grp 6: 4 Qualities for pure heart (what are they, example scenarios, practice)
          • Grp 7: Bad company (define, examples, how to handle, practice)
          • Grp 8: Stress & Anxiety (what, when, how, practice, tips)
          • Grp 8: Science behind sacred sounds (sounds & vibration exp, sacred sounds, how they help, sounds and water, practice)

      Please find link to the class presentation.

      Home work:

    • October 25, 2020After invocation prayers we started with an ice breaker, reviewed food drive service and communications on google hangouts

      Today we discussed about

      1) What rituals in Navratri are meant to help see divinity in all

      2) What is Anxiety, what symptoms do they notice & when does anxiety kick in

      3) Three tips to overcome anxiety. These 3 tips have to be practiced daily.

          • Sit in a comfortable position (on chair/ground), close your eyes and chant OM 3 times, with each OM imagine a circle of protection forming on top of your head
          •  With eyes closed Chant Gayathri mantra 3 times, with each chant imagine a circle of protection forming around your body
          • Positive Self talk –  talk to Swami in your heart, Swami please help me put my best effort and take ownership of the result

      4) Sounds & frequency impact on matter and water

      5) Science behind scared sounds and how they help curb anxiety

      Grp 3 had Swami birthday bhajan today. Please find link to the class presentation.

      Class notes for previous classes can be found here.

    • October 3, 2020As class we dwelled deeper into what does oneness mean? what is the definition of Unity per Swami. Black Lives Matter was a topic to discussed & examples to help identify oneness in diversity.

      What does unity mean? It is not the combination of many; it is the realization of oneness. Satya Sai Baba

      Please find link to the class presentation.

CLASS DATE: 10/3/21 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY: Body is a miracle of God
Topic: When everyone of us is gifted with this wonderful machine/instrument body, should we not love and take care of it? I know that, but let’s discuss everyday problems we face.

  • What are some examples of negative body image?
  • Do you have or want to share one thing you are insecure about, do you look someone down for it?
  • How do peers, media impact body image.
  • List 4 unhealthy behaviors to change body image.
  • List 3-5 ways to maintain healthy body and image.

Breakout rooms: We had two breakout rooms, one for boys & one for girls to discuss above questions & present it to the class.

Summary: 5 ways to maintain healthy body & image

  • Aim to be the best you can be, do not be ashamed of yourself.  1)Eat healthy food and avoid/reduce junk food. 2) Do exercise/yoga & meditation for physical and mental health. 3) Avoid screen time whenever possible. 4) Take care of your personal hygiene. 5) Give back to the community to boost your self esteem  and confidence 6) Show gratitude to your parents & God for this wonderful gift
  • Embrace and be proud of how you look, how nature is moulding you as your genes, your heritage and culture goes into it.
  • Focus on what makes you memorable? what is your strength?
  • Do not compare with others, you are different and that is what sets you apart and strong. Beauty is not zero sum.
  • Daily affirmation: I am beautiful\handsome inside and out.

We started discussion, what sets humans & animals apart. Students gave many answers: Mind, Love, Emotional Intelligence, Discrimination. We will continue the this discussion in next class.

Next Class: Discover your inherent potential, Body is temple of God.

Note to Parents:

Swami Birthday self transformation offering: Each student summarized their understanding of the topic, Love towards parents and introspected where they can improve. Each student identified their transformation ideas that they will follow.  Each student was asked to write up the transformation ideas on a paper, show it to their parents and post it in their room or fridge so they can be reminded of the offering to Swami.

CLASS DATE: 10/17/21 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY: What did Swami say about Habits and Character

Today we learned Swami’s message about habits and character. We watched a Swami video and Megahana (YA from MA) took a session on the same topic. Presentation is here  

In the breakout rooms, students wrote up habits (as SMART goals) they would like to develop to better themselves 5 years from now.

Next Class: Pancha Koshas 

Note to Parents:

Swami Birthday self transformation offering: Each student summarized their understanding of the topic, Love towards parents and introspected where they can improve. Each student identified their transformation ideas that they will follow.  Each student was asked to write up the transformation ideas on a paper, show it to their parents and post it in their room or fridge so they can be reminded of the offering to Swami.

CLASS DATE: 10/24/21 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY: Pancha Koshas

 In this class we learned about pancha koshas (five sheaths) of Human body through a story of Brighu and his father Varuna.  We learned what constitutes each kosha,  how to purify them and how Jyothi meditation can helps in this regard. Students summarized their understanding of the topic.  Click here to see the presentation deck  used for the class. 

Next Class: Quiz, Diwali etc 

Note to Parents:

Swami Birthday self transformation offering: Each student summarized their understanding of the topic, Love towards parents and introspected where they can improve. Each student identified their transformation ideas that they will follow.  Each student was asked to write up the transformation ideas on a paper, show it to their parents and post it in their room or fridge so they can be reminded of the offering to Swami.

CLASS DATE: 10/31/21 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY: Diwali, Kahoot quiz

 In this class we learned about Diwali. We understood the meaning of Diwali and when it is celebrated. We also learned two stories related Diwali. One about killing of Narakasura and one about Rama returning back to Ayodhya. We learned spiritual significance of Diwali.  Click here to see the presentation deck  used for the class. 

Next Class: guest speakers

Note to Parents:

Swami Birthday self transformation offering: Each student summarized their understanding of the topic, Love towards parents and introspected where they can improve. Each student identified their transformation ideas that they will follow.  Each student was asked to write up the transformation ideas on a paper, show it to their parents and post it in their room or fridge so they can be reminded of the offering to Swami.

CLASS DATE: 12/14/2021 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY: Student led, topic Gratitude

We had group 2 gurus come in today for interactive session on Celebrating Christ and his messages.

Presentation link

We discussed about

Who is Christ

Importance of Christmas

what did Swami say about it,

Christmas carols

how to practice teachings

CLASS DATE: 01/09/2022 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY: Parent led topic “Faith”

Today in our class we have Manoj uncle as a parent guest speaker. He spoke to us about importance of “faith in God” and how to cultivate that. He started his presentation with few quotes on the topic and a short video discourse clip on the same. We discussed on those quotes and the video clip. Everyone of us shared an experience or a story of having faith in God.  Apart from how “faith in Swami” gave him strength to face difficulties, Manoj uncle gave us some practical tips like sitting straight, 30sec silent sitting, raised eyebrows, namasmarana etc helps us cultivate that faith.

CLASS DATE: 01/16/2022 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY:  Faith in God

In the last class we continued on the topic of “faith in God” from last class. In this class we learned it through the story of Dhruva. How his unwavering faith in god led him to become a polar star. In this story we also learnt how we can re-direct our worldly disappointments, how faith will be tested etc. Also, Valli presented go-green tips for January. We ended the class with understanding of Makara Sankranti.

CLASS DATE: 01/22/2022 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY:  Social Conformity
Today in our class,  Kaavya Raman presented on topic “Social Conformity”. We learnt about positive and negative influences of social conformity. 5Ds (Duty, Devotion, Discipline, Determination, Discrimination) can help us find out if it is a positive or a negative influence. We learnt about some examples and ABC of life (Avoid Bad Company). Then we broke out into different rooms to discuss conformity at home, school and friends.  Please see the presentation for more details. Sairam

CLASS DATE: 01/30/2022 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY:  Discipline
Sairam dear parents,In our class today (01/22), we discussed on the topic “Discipline“. We listened to short audio clip of Swami’s discourse on Discipline. Then we went into different breakout rooms to discuss about the following topics related to discipline.

Breakout room questions

  1. Give an inspiring example(s) of a person(s) following Discipline.
  2. How can we follow discipline in our day-to-day life?
  3. What are the benefits of following discipline?
  4. What happens if there is no Discipline?

All the students came up with one life application each. Please see the jamboard to see the discussion summary and the life applications students came up with.


Group 3 Teachers

CLASS DATE: 02/06/2022 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY:  Judging others
Sairam dear parents,Today in our class (02/06/22) Vishal gave us a presentation on “Judging others”.  In his presentation he talked about

  1. Why people judge
  2. Why we shouldn’t judge
  3. What does it mean to judge someone etc.

We were split into 4 breakout rooms to answer the following questions in jamboard

  1. On what grounds people are judged?
  2. How do you feel when you are judged?
  3. What was the reason when you judged others?

We ended the class with a small video clip of Swami talking about this topic.

Here are the links.

Swami’s video




Group 3 Teachers

CLASS DATE: 02/13/2022 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY:  Connecting to God through Bhajans
In our class today (02/13/22) Shivaani presented on the the topic “Connecting to God through Bhajans”. After the presentation we discussed some inspiring stories of devotees who connected to God through their singing. Then we were split into 4 breakout rooms. Each group chose a bhajan and they presented to class on how they connect to swami through that bhajan.Sairam
Group 3 teachers.


Here are the links.





CLASS DATE: 02/20/2022 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY:  Service
Sairam dear parents,
Today (02/20/22) in our class Krishna and Siddharth presented on topic “service”. After the intro, we were split into different breakout rooms where we discussed on question related to service. Then we saw a video about service in which swami talks about how service should be rendered.
1. Without expectation of praise or material gain
2. See God in whom service is being rendered
3. Reflect on how the act of service improved you spiritually.

Then we read a swami’s childhood story that illustrates how as a young Satya swami helped his family members and villagers with His selfless acts.

Here is the presentation.

Group 3 teachers



CLASS DATE: 02/27/2022 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY:  Service
Sairam Parents,

Continuing on the topic of Service, today (02/27) in our class we have Brother Lakshman & Aswini Kumar both Swami students as guest speakers presenting on Grama Seva they did when they were students in Prashanthi nilayam. Attached is the presentation.


Group 3 Teachers



CLASS DATE: 03/06/2022 TEACHER(S):  Nalini, Gangadhar
SUMMARY:  Anger Management
Sairam Parents,
Today (03/06), in our class we have our group 3 student, Vishwajith presented on the topic “Anger Management”. He presented on what causes anger, tips to controll it(WATCH technique), Swami’s quotes, a small video, what is said in Bhagavadgita about anger management etc. Attached is the presentation deck.Sairam
Group 3 Teachers


CLASS  DATE: 10/3/2022

TEACHER(S): Nalini, Gangadher
 Value: Choosing right company. Significance of Navratri  Attendance: 30/34
Class Summary
Prayers, recap of last class.
Game: A blind folded student will hear his peers talk, based on what he hears either chooses to go closer or go away from bad company.
Discussion: Categories of Good Company: People, Media, Devices, books.
Categories of Bad Company: People, Media, devices, books.
Students concluded both good and bad company categories are same, only difference is choice we make.
Impact of good company: Enhances good qualities, students listed out Truth, Kindness, Love
Impact of bad company: Promotes animal tendencies in us. External bad companies are easy to run away from, but
are you aware of 6 internal enemies? Desire, Anger, Greed, Lust, Pride, Jealousy.
Role play: we asked students to help act/role play taking a scenario of bad company & impact.
they choose to take up scenario where student company gives wearing latest branded clothes is at most importance.
Mom and child role play showing how the desire for Essay shoes due to the company, quickly brings out other internal enemies like anger, jealousy, greed, pride.
Navratri story: Every festival has winning of good over bad as theme. How is Navratri related to this?
Shared Mahishasura Mardini story, inner significance.
if we want to enhance our good qualities, along with being in good company, we need to pray to God.
How to practice ABC of life:
  1. Tyaja durjana samsargam- Run away from bad company
  2. Bhaja sadhu samagamam- Join good company & do prayers, bhajans, chanting, meditation
  3. Kuru punya mahoratram-  Undertake righteous actions day & night
  4. Smara nithyamanithyatham- Enquire into that which is permanent & that which is ephemeral

9/25 Class Summary
Prayers, Inter Faith food shuttle service presentation by a student.
Game: A blind folded student had to identify what is in the brown bag (fruit/veg/flower) by the smell
They identify Onion, Banana, Popcorn, Flower. But the classmates noticed that the bags we actually empty.
They had to discuss in their own break out groups
1. Why did the brown bag smell like the item though it was empty?
2. Does this relate to Swami’s teachings, how?
3. Is there anyone whose association had an impact on you?
Each group presented their discussion.
We concluded importance of company as it leaves impact & Swami’s message: Avoid Bad Company.
We also shared the story on 3 kinds of friendships from mythology
Drona took Drupada as friend, but it ended in enmity
Karna took Duryodhana as friend but ended up supporting a wrong cause.
Arjuna took Krishna as friend; he was guided all his life in the right path.
We also discussed about few red flags they need to watch out as they seek out for company/friends.
-Don’t surround yourself with people for whom you need to make fun of yourself to satisfy
-Don’t surround yourself with people where you cannot be your true self.
-Don’t surround yourself with people who always gossip about others

Announcements: Inter Faith Food Shuttle

Life Application: Please sign up if you would like to take up Interfaith food shuttle service.

CLASS  DATE: 10/23/2022

TEACHER(S): Nalini, Gangadher
 Value: Importance of Avatar declaration day and Diwali  Attendance: 32/34
Class Summary:
In our class we had discussion about.
1. What does Avatar mean?
2. Why Swami has to come down?
3. What can we learn from Swami’s life?
4. How can we start practicing from the moral of Swami childhood stories. Students have been asked to set goal to practice any value g that would help them to get closer to Swami. They can judge where they need to improve.
5. We also shared significance of Diwali. What does light represent, legends of the story.
Class Summary- 10/9 Five senses
In our class today we performed a skit that portrays our 5 senses. These senses are, touch, hearing, taste, smell, and sight. The 5 senses that we have been given can pull us in many ways but we have to learn how to control them and use them wisely. The skit depicts how senses can bring a person to his downfall when they are not controlled.  We had a group discussion on the take away lessons from skit how it is related to our daily lives with examples.
Here the summary provided by one of our students.
“In class we performed a skit that portrays our 5 senses. These senses are, touch, hearing, taste, smell, and sight. The 5 senses that we have been given can pull us in many ways but we have to learn how to control them and use them wisely. We had a group discussion on which one of our senses we believed were our biggest enemy. As a class we compared our send to a computer and the similarities between them. We also came up with examples when our senses pull us in different ways. When we want to do our homework and we see a YouTube video pop up and get distracted, or if we smell cookies baking, that can distract us as well. To achieve control of our senses we need to make an effort to control them. Everyone should create a smart goal and keep a report on it. An example of this would be, doing your homework in a quiet space, without any devices around you. Taking these efforts will gradually give you full control of your senses”
Here is the link to the skit we did in our class.
Announcements: Inter Faith Food Shuttle

Life Application: Please sign up if you would like to take up Interfaith food shuttle service.

CLASS  DATE:    09/15/2024

TEACHER(S): Nalini, Gangadher, Sravanti, Shiva
Topic: Rarest opportunity, purpose of Life  Attendance: 27
Sairam dear parents,
Students formed a circle facing outwards. There was fresh apple and rotten onion in the center of the circle. A student in the center of the circle starts off the game by going around and giving either apple or rotten onion to a person in the circle and takes up his/her space. The student who received it has a choice to either change the item or pass on same to another person and get back into the circle. They played this game for few minutes.
We had asked few questions to start the discussion.
1. How do you think you would end this game?
2. What do you think of having to play this game for ever?
3. How many of you gave rotten onion to others?
4. Was it because you got it from someone or you gave it on purpose?
5. Do you remember who all gave you apple vs onion?
6. Do you remember even if you gave apple when all you got back onion?Similar to the ongoing passing of the apple and onion, the game represented the cycle of life across many births & forms. It emphasized that after 8.7 millions of births in various forms, we finally have the greatest opportunity of human life.Now that we the greatest opportunity of being a human, what do I do with it?

Swami says: “The Divine principle is in the very core of man. Becoming aware of this truth is the duty of man and the goal of life. It is the source of strength which is unfailing and irresistible. You are the spark of Divine and not separate from Me’ Satya Sai Speaks 1996

*What are the obstacles*: Just like the onion smell lingers in our hands, we have accumulated the tendencies like..stubbornness from bull, hyperactive mind jumps from one thing to the other from monkey, laziness, anger….list goes on!!

*How do I realize my divinity:* Swami gave 5 stairs to go from human to divine. Those are the 5 human values-Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love, Non-Violence. To tread these 5 steps you will first need to take care of yourself

*How to practice: *
1. Take care of your physical & mental health
2. Just like you know what to do to move onto next grade in school, Aim to be the best version of yourself in all roles—whether as a son, daughter, friend, or student—by applying the five human values.
3. Going back to the game, what goes round come around, even if you got an onion you always had choice to give apple. So always strive to, “Be good, see good & do good.”

1. Students came up with goals to, eat healthy Satvic food, exercise, cut down screen/video games time, being mindful, silent sitting for taking care of themselves
2. Continue to respect parents by being best son/daughter, each student set individual goals

Students to track goals in the spiritual log🙏

CLASS  DATE:    09/22/2024

TEACHER(S): Nalini, Gangadher, Sravanti, Shiva
Topic: 9 path of devotion  Attendance: 

Sairam dear parents, please find class summary

Theme: Living with God
We started the class by asking students to summarize the last lesson for those who missed it, followed by introducing today’s theme: Living with God.
What does “Living with God” mean?
We went around the class to understand what students thought Living with God meant. Then, through a role-play, we demonstrated how two friends were arguing until they saw their favorite deity, Krishna, entering the room. Immediately, their behavior changed—they stopped arguing and became more mindful of their actions. This showed that Living with God means always being aware of our behavior, actions, and thoughts, knowing that God is present above, below, and around us.
Swami teaches us that “Living with God” means being so dear to Him. To live in a way that endears us to God, we must be mindful, respectful, and always strive to act in a way that pleases Him.
Activity: Becoming Dear to a New Friend
We then connected this idea to our everyday life through an activity. A new family with a child your age moved next door, and you want to become close friends with that child. How do you become near and dear to them

They came up…
-We listen, Learn more about the person
-We come back and praise everything we learned with family & friends
-We keep thinking, remembering
-We find out common interests, what they like/dislike and follow same to impress
-We find ways to always stay connected thru activities, play dstes
-We help them out & become their trusted friend

Similarly there are ways to become dear to God- we mapped above analogy to Sravanam (listen)
Smaranam (remember)
Paadasevanam (serve)
Archanam (offer heart)
Vandanam(see God in all & bow to him)
Daasyam( serve lord & his creation)
Sakhyam( God as best friend)
Atmanivedanam (surrender to God)

Just as we need interest and put in time & effort to make a friend, to endear God (live with God) needs yearning, time and effort. But when we take one step Swami takes 100 steps towards us.

-Act, think, and watch your behavior as if God is with you at all times.
-Have faith that God is around you, guiding you, and watching over you, whether you’re at home, at school, or with friends.


CLASS  DATE:    09/29/2024

TEACHER(S): Nalini, Gangadher, Sravanti, Shiva
Topic: 9 path of devotion (Keerthanam, sravanam, smaranam)  Attendance: 

Sairam dear parents, please find class summary🙏

We started with Prayers, Bhajan practice, & learning Kshama Prathana from this week

We delved into two of the nine ways for Living with God: Keerthanam (singing the glories of God) and Smaranam (remembering God). Just as calling someone’s name brings them closer, chanting the divine names brings us closer to God. Namasmarana (constant remembrance of God’s name) helps cleanse the effects of past mistakes (we used analogy of giving onion in previous class game). It forms a protective shield around us, brings clarity of thought, and guides us toward making the right decisions.
We reflected on real-life experiences where we felt protected or guided at the perfect moment through constant chanting. Namasmarana is remembering/chanting God’s name inward. We discussed Dr. Emoto’s water crystal experiment, where kind words altered the structure of water crystals for the better. Since we are composed of 75% water, imagine how powerful and positive we can become by chanting God’s name!
Keerthanam fills the environment with divine energy and positivity. A pure heart full of devotion works miracles, and we shared the story of Prahlada as a testament to this truth. Each of us does need similar protection from God.
As a group, we are committed to practicing the first three paths to Live with God:
1. Sravanam – Listen to one minute of Swami’s discourses daily on YouTube or RadioSai. Link to one minute Swami discourses provided
2. Smaranam – Chant the Sai Gayatri three times daily.
3. Keerthanam – Sing one Bhajan each day.
Just like receiving extra credit in school, we have a special opportunity from October 3rd to October 12th to deepen our spiritual practice. We pledged to seize this divine bonus and follow these three goals of devotion each day with sincerity.

CLASS  DATE:    09/29/2024
Topic: 9 Path’s of Devotion (Keerthanam, sravanam, Smaranam)
Sairam dear parents, please find class summary🙏 We started with Prayers, Bhajan practice, & learning Kshama Prathana from this week We delved into two of the nine ways for Living with God: Keerthanam (singing the glories of God) and Smaranam (remembering God). Just as calling someone’s name brings them closer, chanting the divine names brings us closer to God. Namasmarana (constant remembrance of God’s name) helps cleanse the effects of past mistakes (we used analogy of giving onion in previous class game). It forms a protective shield around us, brings clarity of thought, and guides us toward making the right decisions.
We reflected on real-life experiences where we felt protected or guided at the perfect moment through constant chanting. Namasmarana is remembering/chanting God’s name inward. We discussed Dr. Emoto’s water crystal experiment, where kind words altered the structure of water crystals for the better. Since we are composed of 75% water, imagine how powerful and positive we can become by chanting God’s name!
Keerthanam fills the environment with divine energy and positivity. A pure heart full of devotion works miracles, and we shared the story of Prahlada as a testament to this truth. Each of us does need similar protection from God.
As a group, we are committed to practicing the first three paths to Live with God:
1. Sravanam – Listen to one minute of Swami’s discourses daily on YouTube or RadioSai. Link to one minute Swami discourses provided
2. Smaranam – Chant the Sai Gayatri three times daily.
3. Keerthanam – Sing one Bhajan each day.
Just like receiving extra credit in school, we have a special opportunity from October 3rd to October 12th to deepen our spiritual practice. We pledged to seize this divine bonus and follow these three goals of devotion each day with sincerity.

CLASS  DATE:    10/06/2024

TEACHER(S): Nalini, Gangadher, Sravanti, Shiva
Topic: 9 Path’s of Devotion (Keerthanam, Smaranam)  Attendance: 23
Sairam dear parents, please find class summary

We started learning Medha Suktam and an English Bhajan from this class.We played quiz to refresh topics covered.

We began by refreshing our understanding of Navaratri, recognizing how, in life, we need Energy, Equipment, and Knowledge to accomplish anything. In these sacred days, we invoke the divine grace of Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati to bless us with these essential qualities.
Activity: students were given jumbled up letters & clues to a folder, they had to figure out to get into the folder. After multiple attempts they figured out Om Sri Sai Ram, in it was Swami’s video about importance of Namasmarana. This was used as analogy, Just like thief Ratnakara got ma ra ma ra ma ra and it became chanting of Rama Rama Rama and he got transformed to Valmiki.

Together, we chanted Om Sri Sai Ram in meditation for one blessed minute, letting the holy vibrations fill our being. We then shared the inspiring story of Meera bai, whose life is an embodiment of namasmarana and unwavering devotion.

Our ultimate goal is to make namasmarana a cherished habit, starting with a small practice each day, at the same time, with the help of a timer. As we increase this practice, we draw closer to the Divine, transforming our lives through the sacred Name.

Life Application:

As a group, we are committed to practicing the first three paths to Live with God:
1. Sravanam – Listen to one minute of Swami’s discourses daily on YouTube or RadioSai. Link to one minute Swami discourses provided
2. Smaranam – Chant the Sai Gayatri three times daily.
3. Keerthanam – Sing one Bhajan each day.
Just like receiving extra credit in school, we have a special opportunity from October 3rd to October 12th to deepen our spiritual practice. We pledged to seize this divine bonus and follow these three goals of devotion each day with sincerity.
CLASS  DATE:    10/13/2024TEACHER(S): Nalini, Gangadher, Sravanti, Shiva
Topic: 9 Path’s of Devotion (Keerthanam, Smaranam) Attendance: 23
Sairam dear parents, please find class summary. We started with prayers, continued to learn Medha Suktham, Bhajan. With situation analysis, we encouraged the students to deeply reflect on how living with the constant awareness that God is always watching can shape their behavior, especially in common teenage situations. This aligns with our theme of the year: Living with God. We gave them scenarios they may face at home or school Peer Pressure and Moral Values: We discussed how teenagers often face pressure to compromise their values for social acceptance. However, staying firm in their beliefs and remembering that they answer to God, not the world, empowers them to live with moral courage, knowing God’s approval is all we need.
Inner Thoughts & Temptations:
When jealousy creeps in because a friend receives praise, students recognized that these negative thoughts can silently grow. By remembering that God sees both our thoughts and actions, they can choose to let go of jealousy and celebrate their friend’s success, focusing instead on personal growth and hard work for God’s pleasure.
Helping Others Without Reward: Even when no one notices their good deeds, like helping a sibling with chores, students were reminded that God sees all acts of kindness, and it’s more rewarding to please God than to seek human recognition.
Honesty: In moments of temptation, we reminded them that even if others don’t see, God is always aware of our choices. By choosing honesty, they strengthen their connection with God, showing that integrity matters more than fleeting success. We need God’s guidance to make right choices in life, Just as we respond when called by our name, calling out to God’s name brings God’s presence and protection close to us. We practiced writing Om Sri Sai Ram with a one-minute timer and chanting His name silently, reminding the students of the peace and focus that comes from Namasmarana. Vijaya Dasami – Mahishasura Mardini: The inner significance of the Mahishasura Mardini story was discussed. Students learned how the battle between Goddess Durga and the demon Mahishasura reflects the negative traits, our weakness like lack of time management, desires, stubbornness, procrastination, ego and ignorance can be won with Gods grace. When faced with challenges or weaknesses, we encouraged the students to acknowledge these and ask God for help, as did Markandeya. His unwavering devotion to Lord Shiva saved him from death, and similarly, Namasmarana helps us overcome difficulties, protecting us from harm and helps us overcome our weakness
Yom Kippur: We also touched on the significance of the Jewish festival Yom Kippur, a period of seeking forgiveness and spiritual cleansing, drawing parallels with our practice of seeking God’s grace to overcome our shortcomings.
In all these scenarios, we emphasized that when we live with the awareness of God’s presence, our thoughts, words, and actions naturally align with righteousness, bringing us closer to God and His divine protection. Life Application: As a group, we are committed to practicing the first three paths to Live with God:
1. Sravanam – Listen to one minute of Swami’s discourses daily on YouTube or RadioSai. Link to one minute Swami discourses provided
2. Smaranam – Chant the Sai Gayatri three times daily.
3. Keerthanam – Sing one Bhajan each day.
Just like receiving extra credit in school, we have a special opportunity from October 3rd to October 12th to deepen our spiritual practice. We pledged to seize this divine bonus and follow these three goals of devotion each day with sincerity.

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2.  SSSE-Group3

CLASS  DATE:    10/20/2024

TEACHER(S): Nalini, Gangadher, Sravanti, Shiva
Topic: Swami’s Avathar Declaration Day  Attendance: 21
SaiRam dear parents, Please find the class notes below:

We began our class with vedam chanting, Ganapathi Prarthana, Medhasuktham 2nd stanza, and concluded with Kshama Prarthana. We also practiced bhajans for Sai Madhuram.

The boys sang “Sarvatra govinda nama sankeerthana,” and the girls sang “Love… “

On Sunday, October 20th, we celebrated Swami’s Avatar Declaration Day.

We discussed Swami’s childhood memories and watched a video presentation. The students actively participated and shared their knowledge of Swami’s childhood. On Avatar Declaration Day, Swami revealed that he is God. He also said, “You too are God.” He entered our lives, and we are all chosen by him. As a gesture of gratitude, we should show a positive change in our daily conduct. Our thoughts, words, and actions should be pure. Swami is the center of our lives. He is in control, and we should be happy, fearless, and obedient. We need God’s guidance to make the right choices in life, Just as we respond when called by our name, calling out to God’s name brings God’s presence and protection close to us.

We practiced writing Om Sri Sai Ram with a one-minute timer and chanting His name silently, reminding the students of the peace and focus that comes from Namasmarana.

We concluded the class by singing the first bhajan taught by Swami, “Manasa Bhajare Guru charanam.”

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