Group 4

Excerpts of the articles are presented below. Please click on the title to read the full article.
1.  SSSE-Group4

Sairam All!  We started the October 27th class with 3 OM’s.  We started the class with brief updates about the Healthcare Day Medical Camp Service Project on November 9th that (8) Group 4 students signed up for on a first come first serve basis.  We also discussed SAI Tutoring commitments and importance of follow ups.  SAI Tutoring adult mentors and Group 4 teachers are always available for questions or help resolving issues.   We then focused on the Group 4 offering at Swami’s Birthday.  Each teacher presented an idea/concept and asked students to select the idea/offering that they found most interesting where they would be willing to commit time and focus and preparation.   The idea that the students overwhelmingly voted for and selected was the Melodic Stories (2-4 ideas).   The Group 4 students were then volunteered for specific teams to help prepare for the event.  These teams and leads included, acting, musical/singing, instrumental, script writing, play production, audio visual.   Over the next few weeks the Group 4 students will lead with support from teachers the creation, compilation and execution of the Group 4 offering/presentation at Swami’s Birthday celebration.  Maximum attendance, focus, preparation and rehearsing will be required, which the students committed to.  Over the next few classes, we will focus most of the class time on preparation for the offering.
We ended the class with Om and 3 Shanti’s.

Sairam Parents –

  1. Please sign and return the forms ( ) which include media consent and parent pledge.
  2. Please remember and remind the children that classes this year will be held every Sunday 3:45 – 4:45 pm in Room 9 at HSNC.  Exceptions for classes periodically with Service Projects, RSC Events (GAB, Swami’s Birthday, etc) and National SSSE guest speakers will occur.  These will be announced in advance.
  3. Slides of the class when applicable will be shared with the Students/Parents via the WhatsApp groups.
  4. Next class is November 3rd – we will continue with prep for Group 4 offering at Swami’s Birthday Celebration on November 23rd.

Thank You!

– Group 4 Teachers.

Jai Sai Ram!

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