TEACHER(S): 2A – Hima, Lalitha & 2B – Sumithra , Sharanya |
Date: 02/02/2025
Theme: Self-Confidence
Class 2A:
The session began with prayers, followed by silent sitting and learning the first 25 names of Swami from the Sri Sathya Sai Ashtothra Shata Namavali. Kids are doing a fantastic job reciting the ashtothrams with full energy and enthusiasm! Please take a moment to listen to them! We are very proud of each and every student for their tremendous progress!
We had a quick recap of last week’s session on gratitude and recollected the respective stories and activities. Kids are slowly making a habit of writing their daily gratitude in either a blue folder or in their notebook. Please remind them until they develop this precious habit of being grateful.
We are marching towards focusing on the self! The first most important of this is Self Confidence. As Swami says, self confidence is the foundation, kids were taught to be self confident, ways to boost their confidence, how to recognize the lack of confidence, when they lack their confidence and tips to recover back quickly. We picked on the little sparrow story from Swami’s Chinna Katha series and through this story, they learned the wings of faith and self confidence that we all possess.
We did a quick fun mirror experiment on self confidence (please check with your kid for details). Kids then learned their own strengths and ways to compliment each other by playing this self confidence board game for the group activity. Please ask them to share their strengths daily and appreciate each one of them in your own unique way. This will help them build their confidence and make them happy. Class concluded with closing prayers.
Class 2B:
In yesterday’s class we learned about Self confidence . We started with a Chinna katha narrated by Swami to his school students about a small bird caught in a storm and how self confidence and Faith helped him. Children were asked to share an experience how their self confidence helped them during a challenging time and how they felt about it.
We discussed how Swami accomplished huge service projects with his self confidence. We played a game to learn more about self confidence and feeling good about ourselves.
We ended our class with closing prayers.
Discussion points for parents:
- Ask them to narrate the Chinna katha.
- Share your experience on how self confidence and faith in God helped you in a challenging situation with your child.
Also, as part of Bhagawan’s centenary celebrations, the Go Green team will be sharing tips every week under the program titled ‘Become an Eco champ’. Please see week 4 slide here
Date: 01/26/2025
Theme: Gratitude
Class 2A:
The session began with prayers, followed by silent sitting and learning the first 20 names of Swami from the Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotra Shata Namavali. Kids are doing a fabulous job reciting the ashtothrams. Please take a moment to listen to them! We are very proud of each and every student for their tremendous progress!
We had a quick recap of last week’s session on *contentment*, and recollected the activities and stories shared. Now that kids understood how to be happy with what they have got, we introduced the topic of being grateful for what we have. We had a very good discussion on gratitude and explored different ways to express our gratitude in a loving way! Students then heard a “Have a blessed day” story. Through this story, they learned about how to be positive and appreciate what we have by being thankful.
For group activity, students were given ample time to express their gratitude to each other. We are preparing a gratitude jar for the class and will collect the gratitude notes from the students every week starting yesterday. As a practice, they were given a chance to write a quick gratitude note for the gratitude jar. Please encourage kids to write a thank you note (“I’m thankful for…”) every day in their gratitude folder. For kids who didn’t collect their gratitude folder yesterday, we will distribute them in the following class.
It was a fun-filled session and everyone enjoyed it thoroughly. The session concluded with Sai Madhuram bhajan practice and closing prayers.
Class 2B:
The session began with opening prayers,and the first 20 names of Swami from the Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotra Shata Namavali and followed by Soham meditation.
We had a recap of the previous three classes, which emphasized the importance of being happy and how giving, sharing, and contentment contribute to lasting happiness. This week, we delved into the practice of Ceiling on Desires by cultivating and practicing gratitude.
The story of “The Blind Boy” illustrated the transformative power of gratitude and how shifting our perspective can lead to contentment and joy. Another story, about Lord Rama and the squirrel, highlighted how even the smallest act of devotion—like the squirrel’s contribution to Lord Rama’s bridge—was deeply valued and appreciated. This served as a powerful reminder that just as God recognizes even the smallest acts, we too must express gratitude for everything God has blessed us with.
These stories led to reflections on how we can express gratitude to God for the blessings in our lives and how appreciating even mundane blessings fosters positivity and kindness in our daily lives.
The children were introduced to various tools and techniques to practice gratitude. They participated in a “Gratefulness Practice” activity by writing a thank-you note, placing it in a jar, and offering it to Swami. Additionally, they were given a sheet of paper to record something they are grateful for every single day as a continued practice. The session concluded with closing prayers and a key takeaway: Gratitude is a prayer offered to God. By being grateful for everything we receive, we open ourselves to greater happiness and positivity in life.
Also, As part of Bhagawan’s centenary celebrations, the Go Green team will be sharing tips every week under the program titled ‘Become an Eco champ’. Please see week4 slide here
Date: 01/19/2025
Class 2A:
The session began with prayers, followed by learning the first 15 names of Swami from the Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotra Shata Namavali and Soham meditation for 2 minutes. We quickly revisited last week’s theme, Giving and Sharing Bring Happiness , and recollected the stories shared.
The story of The Unhappy Crow was introduced, highlighting how the crow felt discontented by comparing itself to others, believing other birds were happier. This led to a discussion about the importance of being content and happy with what we have. Another story illustrated how our desires often grow endlessly—starting with wanting a car, then a bigger car, then more features—and how these unchecked “wants” can lead to greed, jealousy, anger, pride, and attachment.
The children reflected on Swami’s teachings to control desires, starting with mindful use of basic needs such as avoiding food waste and conserving energy by speaking only when necessary. The session concluded with Sai Madhuram bhajan practice and closing prayers.
Class 2B:
The session began with prayers, followed by learning the first 15 names of Swami from the Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotra Shata Namavali and Soham meditation for 2 minutes. We explored the concept of contentment and how appreciating what we have and limiting unnecessary desires can lead to happiness and peace. The discussion focused on common triggers for discontentment, such as comparisons with others or an excessive focus on material possessions.
This theme was illustrated through stories from Chinna Katha, including The Fisherman and the Businessman, which highlighted the joy of a simple, contented life, and The Unhappy Crow, which emphasized self-acceptance and appreciating our uniqueness.
The children were given an exercise to identify and write down their desires in their notebooks, helping them reflect on whether their desires were true needs or mere wants. This activity aimed to encourage putting a ceiling on desires. The session concluded with closing prayers and the message: One should be content with what they have and not worry about what they do not have. Only then can they truly be happy and peaceful.
Date: 01/12/2025
Class Update for 2A Teacher: Hima, Jagruthi(EC)
We began the class with prayers, followed by SOHAM meditation guided by Swami. Sister
Jagruthi revisited the importance of offerings for Swami’s 100th birthday.
The children practiced the five names from the previous class and learned five new names from
Sri Satya Sai Ashtotra Shata Namavali.
Next, we explored the theme “Giving is Happiness”* through stories. We discussed how
giving can bring immense joy, both to the giver and the receiver. An experience of a Swami’s student illustrates how a student found profound joy in selflessly giving away a cherished, blessed handkerchief to another devotee. These stories highlight the theme: * “Love is giving and for giving.”*
To deepen their understanding, we watched a short video illustrating the happiness that comes from giving.
The children actively participated in the discussions and practice sessions throughout the class.
Class 2B: Teacher Sumithra
We began the session with prayers and Soham meditation, followed by learning the first 10
names of Swami from the Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotra Shata Namavali. Next, we revisited the
concept of happiness and discussed ways to sustain it through simple acts, such as:
● Giving excess clothing or items to those in need,
● Donating food,
● Sharing with one’s siblings,
● Praying for the well-being of others,
● Finding joy in others’ successes,
● Spending time with those who need help,
● Helping others in any way we can.
These ideas were illustrated through inspiring stories. In the Ramayana, Rama finds happiness
in losing a game to Bharata, while Bharata feels sadness, thinking he caused Rama’s loss. This
story demonstrates the selfless joy Rama experiences in Bharata’s success. In the
Mahabharata, Draupadi is rewarded with piles of cloth for offering a small piece to cover
Krishna’s wound. An experience of a Swami’s student illustrates how a student found profound
joy in selflessly giving away a cherished, blessed handkerchief to another devotee. These
stories highlight the theme: * “Love is giving and for giving.”*
The children were encouraged to share, help, and give selflessly as acts of love, bringing
happiness to God within themselves and others. The session concluded closing prayers with
the message:* “Be happy, make others happy, all will be happy, and God will be happy.” *
Parents, please encourage your children to:
● Practice daily prayers and chanting,
● Continue their sadhana, as part of their offerings for Swami’s 100th birthday.
Date: 01/05/2025
Class Update for 2A & 2B:
We began the session with prayers and a minute of silent sitting, followed by learning the first five names of Swami from the Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotra Shata Namavali.
We had a meaningful discussion on the concept of happiness, exploring its nature, Swami’s teachings on permanent happiness, and the obstacles that prevent us from achieving it. Swami’s chinna katha highlighted the importance of living in the present and surrendering to God. A devotee’s inspiring story illustrated this further, as he visualized Swami’s presence in every moment—whether happy, sad, or engaged in daily activities. Swami later appeared in his dream, reassuring him of His constant presence and attentiveness to every thought.
The session concluded by emphasizing surrender and feeling God’s presence as the path to lasting happiness. We also discussed undertaking a 100-day sadhana as an offering for Swami’s 100th birthday to deepen our connection with Him.
Date: 12/15/2024
Class Update for 2A&2B
This Sunday, we had a wonderful recap of all the topics covered in our classes 2A & 2B so far, including:
- Who is God?
- Service to Parents
- God is Omnipresent
- Power of Namasmarana
- Good Company
- Nature is God
- Positive Thinking
- Anger Management
The children were encouraged to recollect and reflect on their learnings through engaging quizzes and discussion.
This was followed by our Brown Bag Fruit Service for the seniors organisation. It was heartwarming to witness the children’s enthusiasm, as they actively packed and organized the bags. A big thank you to all the parents for your generous support in dropping off the fruits.
A special mention to all the kids who participated in Sai Madhuram. Their collective singing was truly amazing and filled the atmosphere with divine energy.
Class Summary :12/08/24 teachers : Sharanya, Sumithra, Lalitha
we had one of our G2 parents, Sister Anjana Chandran, lead the session on the topic of Anger Management. She narrated an interesting story about Duryodhana and Draupadi. Sister Anjana beautifully guided the children to explore the causes of anger and shared Swami’s suggestions on managing it effectively. There was also a discussion on how to deal with anger, especially in situations involving others. Overall, it was a very engaging session for the children.
We ended our class with Sai Madhuram bhajan practice.
Practice the State Mastery tool this week. Be mindful of moments when your state drops below 50% and focus on bringing yourself above the 50% line when you notice this happening.
Date: 11/03/2024
Class Update for 2A
Started the class with prayers and silent sitting. We introduced light meditation this week. Although it was a little longer, the kids did their best with the meditation! I’m very proud of each and every student for adapting to the new style every week! Kids are actively participating with enthusiasm and would really appreciate it if you could check with them about what they learned in the class.
Recap: We had a quick recap on the God is Omnipresent topic that was covered last week. Students were relating to how they find/see God in every relationship.
Class Topic/Discussion: Yesterday’s topic was Namasmarana. Students learned the basics of namasmarana. We covered the following in detail:
- What is namasmarana?
- When should we do namasmarana?
- Why should we do namasmarana?
- How should we do namasmarana?
It was a very good interactive session learning about the namasmarana. Kids were able to understand the value of doing the chants.
Story: We talked about the famous Thulabharam story. There were 2 main takeaways that kids took from this famous story.
- One cannot have God to themselves.
- Realising the value and power in chanting God’s name than the physical form of God.
Activities: We created a namasmarana prayer keychain. Kids used beads to do the keychain. After we had the keychain beaded, kids were taught to use the prayer keychain and few kids led the chants and ensured how easy it is to get engaged in namasmarana. They are planning to attach the keychain to their backpack and do the chants daily.
Life application: Please remind them about the life application. Life application for this month is doing the chants regularly on a daily basis. Please encourage them and remind them to use the prayer keychain.
Thank you again for all your support and encouragement in helping with the life application module!
Class Update for 2B
We began the session with opening prayers and a Soham meditation, reinforcing the concepts that God is omnipresent, our best friend, and the importance of having Him in our lives. We discussed the significance of Namasmarana (chanting God’s name) by addressing:
- The reasons for doing Namasmarana.
- Its importance in developing love for God.
- The power of chanting God’s name.
Through the stories of the Vanarasena and Hanuman from the Ramayana, we explored the transformative power of Namasmarana. The Vanarasena exemplified how faith in Rama’s name enabled them to effortlessly lift heavy rocks and build a bridge across the ocean, demonstrating that calling upon the divine can turn obstacles into pathways. Hanuman’s unwavering devotion was also highlighted; he revealed that every part of his being resonated with Rama’s name and even tore open his chest to show that only Rama and Sita resided in his heart. His profound devotion led to Rama bestowing Himself upon Hanuman.
The main takeaways were:
- God’s name has immense power.
- Chanting God’s name with faith and devotion earns the grace of God.
- Continuous chanting can make the impossible possible.
- Pure love in chanting leads to God’s surrender to the devotee.
- This practice is a pathway to draw closer to God.
For the activity, the children created prayer beads and learned how to use them for their prayers. Together, we chanted “Om Sri Sai Ram” and “Om Namah Shivaya” nine times, which took about a minute. The children were encouraged to attach their prayer beads keychain to their backpacks and practise daily chants. We concluded the class with closing prayers.
Parents, please remind your children to practise their life applications for this month, which include daily prayers, respect for parents, and chanting.
Date : 10/27/24
Class Update for 2A
Started the class with prayers and silent sitting. Kids are doing fabulous with prayers and meditation. They are able to focus more as the week progresses. Kudos to all the kids coming on time. They are now following the class rules, paying more attention in the class and actively participating in each class. I’m sure you would have enjoyed their beautiful & energetic Sai Madhuram offering yesterday. We are very proud of each one of them!
Recap: We had a quick recap on the Good Company that was covered last week. It was interesting to know how each of them perceived the lesson in being with a good company.
Class Topic/Discussion: Yesterday’s topic was God is Omnipresent. Even though our class had covered this topic of God is Everywhere, a couple of weeks earlier, this session discussed what is omnipresence, what are the different levels of God’s omnipresence in detail. These levels of omnipresence made the kids realise that God can’t be seen with our physical eyes but can be experienced through various different ways.
Story: We talked about the Bhakta Prahlada story and discussed the story as to how Prahlada’s love and faith got his favourite god down to the kingdom. Similarly, kids were able to understand that with immense faith and love for god, they can also experience their swami in their own way.
Activities: We had a bunch of activities to support the topic (God is Omnipresent). Please check with your kids as to what the activity was and what were their takeaways from each of them. These activities helped them understand that God can be experienced, God will protect them and God’s voice can be heard only in silence. I’m sure there could be one or multiple takeaways from any of the activities. The goal is to constantly remind them about the presence of God all the time.
Life application: Please remind them about the life application. They are doing a fabulous job and always a friendly reminder will help them go a long way! Thank you again for all your support and encouragement in helping with the life application module!
Class update for 2B
The class began with opening prayers and a Soham meditation, introducing the idea that God is omnipresent. This week, we explored how God’s presence is everywhere, based on Swami’s quote, “There is only one God, and He is Omnipresent.” We shared the story of Prahlada’s unwavering faith in God’s presence, emphasizing how this faith made him fearless and calm in threatening situations. We also recounted the experience of Jack Hilton, a devotee from Boston, who felt Sai Baba’s protection during a near accident, reinforcing the concept of divine omnipresence and the power of calling out God’s name.
We discussed that:
– God’s omnipresence means we’re never alone and can find comfort in His companionship.
– Believing in this helps us make better choices and live with kindness.
– Seeing God in all living things connects us to others and inspires kindness.
– We notice God in simple moments, like nature, gratitude, and helping others.
The children were encouraged to notice God’s presence in their daily lives to build a sense of friendship with Him, finding comfort and security in that connection. We closed the session with practice for Sai Madhuram and a closing prayer. Please encourage your children to write about their experiences with God’s presence at home, school, outdoor activities, or in their daily routine where they felt connected to God.
Date : 10/20/24Class update 2A:We started our class with what we learned, how we liked nature walk and also how we are keeping up with helping parents.The main topic of discussion for this class was – Good Company – tell me who is your friend I can tell who you are.We had a very interesting story about two parrots how they transformed into with the association of their companies. After that we had discussion how we choose our friends. We ended this topic by out of all the companies God is the best company we can always have.We later talked about Avatar Declaration Day and practiced for next week’s Sai Madhuram bhajans.Parents, please talk to them about the story from the class and ask them how they pick/ choose their friends. It’s a very interesting conversation you will have with them.Class update:2B |
We started our class with 3 Oms , prayers and Soham meditation. As we celebrated Avatar Declaration Day yesterday, children learnt about the significance of the day and sang Manasa Bhajorey bhajan in Unison. Later we started the topic of the day ‘ Good Company’ with a couple of demonstrations emphasizing the importance of good company, we discussed the qualities of a good friend, and why Swami has said Avoid Bad Company. Then, we played a quick game called ‘ friendship Spotlight’. Finally, we finished with a beautiful Swami story portraying what a wonderful Friend Swami was as a small school boy and how he positively influenced his friends.
Then we ended the class with bhajan practice for Sai Madhuram and closing prayers.
Discussion Points for parents: Ask them about the 2 demonstrations we had using dust and paper towels.
Life Application: continue marking the tracker and parents kindly initial every week.
Class update 10/13/24
We started with 3Oms class was led by Brother Jaime and Anjana .We formed a circle to play an interesting icebreaker game,
Native American way where we use our listening skills. The main objective of our nature walk is to see God in nature as the Native Americans of this land did. Swami says, “Where is God?” The answer is provided by Nature.” (Divine Discourse, July 12, 1988) When you think about it, the church or temple of the Native Americans was nature!!
Their deep connection with nature inspired a spirit of gratitude, and that is reflected in their rituals and ceremonies of thanksgiving. Then we split into small groups and started walking into a beautiful trail and did a scavenger hunt, as we found each item we gave our inner thanks to it.
After the little hike, we gathered again and the team leaders did a purification ritual using smudge sticks . Then we formed a sacred circle and we learnt about the Talking stick used by native americans, then holding the talking stick children read out gratitude prayer to all the four directions,ground and sky.
Life Application: continue marking the tracker and parents kindly initial every week.
Date: 10/6/2024
Class Update for 2A:
We had a wonderful SSSE class yesterday. We discussed in brief about festival Dasara and then moved onto quick recap of last week’s class – God is everywhere.
The topic for this week’s class is – Love and help our parents. Mother and Father are our GOD and we should respect them.
We had a good story about Pundarikasha how he served his parents. After the story we had nice interactive session how we can help our parents with daily chores.
Daily Challenge – kids were asked to do any small chores at home for 15 days and we will discuss that in coming classes.
All boys practiced for Sai Madhuram bhajans on 10/27.
Life Application: For October’s the life application(daily spiritual prayer)
We would really appreciate if you could remind them so that it becomes a habit for them! Thank you again for all your continued support! 🙏🏻
Class Update for 2B:
We started our class with 3 Oms and Prayers, followed by SOHAM meditation.Today’s topic was Respect for Parents, we discussed why it’s important to respect parents, children came up with amazing answers. Then, they listened to Pundalikha’s story where Lord Panduranga waited for him to finish serving his Parents. Later we discussed about how to show respect to parents and few Swami quotes. Children amazed us with such wonderful answers/ perspectives, then we had a fun activity discriminating what’s respectful and disrespectful . We ended the class with bhajan practice and finishing prayers. They have a fun assignment and new life application for this month. Parents kindly follow up with them.
Life Application: we have a new life application for October , recollect one moment during the day you showed your respect and love for your parents and mark the tracker , Parents please initial the tracker every week.
Discussion points for parents:1. Ask them to share the Pundalika story.
- Ask them how do you pay RENT to parents?
- Fun assignment and life application.
class Date:9/29/24
Summary of the Class: 2A
After the regular prayers and silent sitting, we had a quick recap of last week’s session.
Class Discussion/Learning: We continued building our relationship with God by asking where
God is? It was a very good and interesting discussion where children learned that God is
everywhere and inside each of our hearts. There is no specific time nor appointment needed to
reach out to God. He is always there for us at all times. Then, we talked about the different
perspectives on how we see things and how we should try to change ourselves and not try to
change others around us.
Story time: We narrated a story from Swami’s Chinna Katha series on “Where is God”. Then,
students listened to another beautiful story about “Change your Vision” to emphasise on seeing
things positively & changing ourselves and not others.
Group Singing: Students continued singing the “God is Love” song that they learned last week
during the group activity time.
Group Activity: Based on the story narrated in the class, students had a chance to make butter
from milk. It was hilarious and a fun moment to see how each child participated in churning milk
to make butter. Kids took turns and also sang the “God is Love” song throughout the activity.
Then, we offered our class-made butter to Swami and everyone partook of the butter offering at
the end of the class.
Sai Madhuram is going to be on 10/27/2024. Group 2 students are singing the following
G2 girls: https://sairhythms.sathyasai.org/song/chant-name-god
G2 boys: https://sairhythms.sathyasai.org/song/vittala-vittala-hari-vittalaWe started learning the above bhajans and will continue for the whole of Oct. month.
Life application: For September, the life application is to chant daily prayers. Kids are now
supposed to get parents initials along with a check mark after they have chanted their daily
Summary 2B:
The session began with opening prayers and Soham meditation, followed by a recap of last week’s class where we discussed how living with God leads to living in love, and how to develop such unconditional love. This week, we explored taking small steps toward this by remembering God at least three times a day through simple acts.
To illustrate this, we shared the story of Narada and Vishnu, where Vishnu explained to Narada why He values a simple farmer who remembers Him just three times a day: once in the morning upon waking, once before starting work, and once before going to bed.
To reinforce this lesson, the children participated in a role play activity. Each child took on roles representing key moments of connection with God throughout the day, such as:
Saying prayers or thinking of Swami upon waking in the morning.
Praying for a good day or saying goodbye to Swami before leaving for school.
Reflecting on God during lunch or asking for help with schoolwork and exams.
Offering gratitude or saying a bedtime prayer before sleep.
The goal was to encourage the children to remember God at least three times a day—through simple acts of prayer, chanting, or gratitude. The role play showed them how easily they can incorporate these moments into their daily lives, deepening their connection with God.
Sai Madhuram is going to be on 10/27/2024. Group 2 students are singing the following
G2 girls: https://sairhythms.sathyasai.org/song/chant-name-god
G2 boys: https://sairhythms.sathyasai.org/song/vittala-vittala-hari-vittalaWe started learning the above bhajans and will continue for the whole of Oct. month.
Life application: For September, the life application is to chant daily prayers. Kids are now
supposed to get parents initials along with a check mark after they have chanted their daily
Class notes :9/22/24
Summary of the Class: 2A
After the regular prayers and silent sitting, we took time to wish all the September born kids. This is a new item to Group 2 class that will be done once a month to celebrate the kids birthdays and make kids special!
Class Discussion/Learning: We introduced the theme of the year (Living with God) and had a good discussion on what this phrase meant. Then, as part of the theme, going back to the fundamentals, kids were taught who is God. As always, kids just amazed us with their responses. It was a good fun-filled session to learn more about who god is and how is God related to Love in specific. We then talked about God’s creation and how He created us & all other beings.
Story time: We narrated the famous Adam & Eve story. Then, students listened to couple of Swami’s creation episodes
Group Singing: Students learned a new song, “God is Love”.
Group activity: We will be doing an activity relating this next week.
Life application: Regarding students were given a life application to follow & practice on a daily basis. For September, the life application is to chant daily prayers. We stressed upon the importance of putting these life lessons into practice.
Summary 2B:
The session commenced with opening prayers and Soham meditation, introducing this year’s theme, “Living with God.” The discussion delved into the meaning of this theme through various questions:
- Who is God?– Children shared their personal connections and ideas about God.
- What is the form of God? – Responses varied, with some seeing God as both form and formless.
- Can we live with God? How? – Children creatively expressed that those who help them, mother, nature, everything around them are God.
- What do you understand by living with God? – Participants explored ways to connect with God in their daily lives.
- What is Love?*– children contemplated the essence and nature of love.
- Have you experienced love? What sort of love is that? – Personal experiences of love were shared among the group.
- What is the difference between selfless love and selfish love? – Understanding the type of love that Swami advocates was discussed.
- What is the pure form of love? – Children explained how God’s form is pure and can only be truly experienced.
- Have you ever experienced/expressed unconditional love?** – Reflections on unconditional love were shared.
- Is it possible to cultivate unconditional love? – This question encouraged children to explore several dimensions of unconditional love, including its necessity, possibility, and interest levels among individuals
To deepen their understanding of unconditional love, the story of Mira and Krishna was narrated, highlighting Mira’s unwavering devotion to God. The story emphasized the longing for God’s presence and the strong bond between Mira and Krishna. The session concluded with a bhajan, “Deena Dayala Hari Parama Dayala,” encouraging children to envision Mira’s love for Krishna and sing the bhajan with love for Swami.
An imitation game followed, where children took turns pretending to hold and play various instruments, either based on prompts or imitating Mira or Krishna.The discussion wrapped up with a focus on the first step towards developing love for God: daily prayers. The session concluded with regular closing prayers.
Summary of the Class: 8/9/2024
We had an amazing start to SSSE classes today! It was very nice to meet all the students. We started our session with prayers and silent sitting. Kids did a fabulous job of chanting in chorus. After the chants, we introduced ourselves by playing a memory game to ensure we all are able to remember the names of each other.
Due to the increase in class size this year, we are splitting the group 2 class to two sections (2A & 2B) that will run in parallel (same lesson & same timing) with around 22 students in each section. So, we (both kids & teachers) did an activity of picking lots for students & teachers assignments.
For the attendance, kids were taught a new popsicle stick method to mark attendance. Using their creativity, they were able to design & decorate their popsicle sticks. It was a fun-filled activity and we can see the pride in kids designing their popsicle stick!
Please note: Students who didn’t attend the class today will be given a chance next weekend on 15th for their respective assignment & decorate popsicle sticks.
Indeed, all the teachers are very excited and very much looking forward to working with SSSE Group2 kids for the rest of the year.
class summary: 3/17/24
Class started with Omkar, silent sitting with Gayatri Mantra, shlokas, and a recap of our last class.
Summary of the Class: We had a wonderful class, and the children were taught about service we offered. They learned some of the basics about what Swami taught us on service. We described various different kinds of services that we can do and offer at all times. We also learned how we should do service. We learned the four principles of service: quality, selflessness, sacrifice, and love. We also shared one story of an experience of a devotee. Kids enjoyed doing some simple math as a group activity through which they learned that good attitude is an important and powerful tool which we must use when doing service. We had a guest speaker, sister Aruna, who is a group 1 teacher and alumni of Sri Sathya Sai Anantpur college who shared her experience there and stressed upon the service aspect as well.
We also learnt following bhajans.
Life application:
We have given them a daily diary to follow life application. Reflect and make it a habit to show Respect to all –
- Was I respectful today?- Greet everyone respectfully with smile.
- Did I practice help ever hurt never?- Help mom to get ready for school.
We concluded the class with prayers.
Note to parents: Please encourage children to maintain their daily diary.
Please note, no class on 25th Feb.
Thank you
Class Date: 2/18/2024
Class started with Omkar, silent sitting with Gayatri Mantra, shlokas, and a recap of our last class.
Summary of the Class:
We had a wonderful session today. The children took the initiative, researched five life scenarios given in last class in 4 different groups and used different ways like with role play, narration and PowerPoint presentations.
We followed with discussion after each scenario what they think they should do. Children came up with wonderful suggestions how can we prevent food wastage, we can be honest in expressing ourselves and avoid telling lies often. We will extend our discussion in next class. We shared Swami’s messages and stories in context with the presentations.
Kids actively participated in the discussion, followed by bhajan practice. Link is posted below.
Life application:
Please encourage children to make their daily diary entries.
Reflect and make it a habit to show Respect to all
1.Was I respectful today?
2. Did I practice help ever hurt never?
Concluded the class with prayers
Class Date: 2/11/2024
Class started with Omkar, sloka chanting, silent sitting, recap of our last class and sharing of life application.
Summary of the class:
We had a really nice session today. Ensure that our deeds are aligned with words/we shared five real life scenarios and formed groups to come up with the skit presentation planned for the next class.
During game time we enjoyed played game ‘ follow action’.
Continuing with ‘ Journey from Sathya to Sai’ we shared James Sinclair’s story how Swami asked him whether he could give him his word that he would be always happy. Essentially Baba’s message is that it is up to us to be always happy!
Life Application:
Please encourage children to make their daily diary entries.
Class Date:2/3/2024
Class started with Omkar, silent sitting with visualization, Gayatri Mantra, shlokas, and a recap of our last class.
Summary of the Class:
We had a wonderful session today. The children took the initiative, researched two stories written by Swami, and presented a slide show on ‘Cheppinattu Chestara’ – ‘Do your actions follow what you say’ by Jaljashree, Riya, and Keerthi.
‘Tulabharam’ by Aneesh and Saketh showed how ‘Devotion is greater than Wealth’. Kids actively participated in the discussion, followed by bhajan practice.
We had ‘game time’ in class, and the children enjoyed the lighter moments.
Life application:
We have given them a daily diary to follow life application. Reflect and make it a habit to show Respect to all –
Was I respectful today?
Did I practice help ever hurt never?
We concluded the class with prayers.
Note to parents: Please encourage children to maintain their daily diary.
Thank you
Class Date: 01/28/2024
Attendance: 25/45
Theme: My life is my message to your life is my message
Class started with Omkar, silent sitting with visualization, Gayatri Mantra, shlokas, and a recap of our last class.
Summary of the Class:
Continuing the story of Bhagawan’s childhood, we discussed several interesting incidents that occurred at Bukkapatanam and Urvakonda, culminating in the Avatars declaration.
We showed clippings from Radio sai, which will be posted on our website summary.
Life application:
Reflect and make it a habit to show Respect to all
Was I respectful today?
Did I practice help ever hurt never?
Concluded the class with prayers.
Note to parents: Please encourage children to maintain their daily diary.
Class Date: 01/21/2024
Attendance: 31/45
Theme: My life is my message to your life is my message
Class started with Omkar, silent sitting with visualization, Gayatri Mantra
Summary of the Class
Today’s class started with the theme: The journey from my life is my message to your life – Swami’s life story – Kindness, non-violence, sharing, and being content.
We talked about the descent of God in human form, the trinity of the three Sai’s, Swami’s birth, the amazing events of His childhood, and how arduous a journey to Puttaparthi was in the 1970s.
Lesson: Listening to the story of Divine descent requires attentive listening. Through an experiment, we explained how an ideal devotee listens, recognizes, and practices divine messages. We discussed the story of Arjuna, an ideal devotee to Krishna.
We enjoyed experimenting with a glass of water, a piece of rock, cloth, and sugar, representing different listening levels.
The Divine watches over us and takes human form to inspire and redeem.
Life application:
Reflect and make it a habit to show Respect to all
Was I respectful today?
Did I practice help ever hurt never?
Concluded the class with prayers
Class Date: 01/14/2024
Attendance: 25/45
Value: Truth; Sub-Value: Faith
Class started with Omkar, silent sitting with visualization, Gayatri Mantra
Summary of the Class: Culmination of Unity of Faiths
We discussed key takeaways and learnings from the field trips covering five faiths – Buddism, Zorastrism, Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. This was followed by a discussion about the significance & similarities between all five faiths, relating it to Swami’s teachings.
“Let the different faiths exist, let them flourish, let the glory of God be sung in all the languages, in various tunes that should be the ideal. Respect the differences between the faiths and recognize them as valid as long as they are a unity of faith that is illumined.
Activity: During the group activity, children shared takeaways on how to put teachings from various faiths into practice and shortlisted two values:
1. Being respectful
2. Follow Help ever, hurt never
Make it a HABIT to show RESPECT towards – Oneself, Parents, Teachers, Religion, Environment, All living Beings, and Non-living things that they interact with and depend on in our daily lives.
Bhajan Practice:
Life Application: Reflect and make it a habit to show Respect to all
1) Did I show respect to others? – practice by parents, friends, food, environment, nature, teachers, etc
2) Did I practice Help Ever Hurt Never today?
Concluded the class with prayers.
Swami’s quote:
There is only one religion, the religion of love.
‘There is only one caste, the caste of humanity.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
There is only one God who is omnipresent.
Class Date: 01/07/2024Attendance: 25/45Value: Truth; Sub-Value: Faith
Class started with Omkar chanting and silent sitting with different ways of chanting Japa.
We chatted about their winter break and different activities they enjoyed in break.
We took a quick recape of all the five religions, visits to respective shrines and place of worship. What was their takeaway and what did they enjoyed most.
We connect one important message to take away from every religion and explain it with Baba’s Sarva dharma stupa and symbols.
Buddhism- wheel of dharma, cause and effect – do good deeds.
Isalam- be like a star always close to cresent- have firm faith in God.
Zorastrian- Offer all negativity in fire and purify yourself.
Hinduism – Omkar is everywhere omnipresent of God.
Christianity- cross represents Ego. Let go of your I.
Life application – complete your passport.
We also had our quarterly parent-teacher meeting, had a wonderful interaction with parents, and discussed the quarter course plan.
Class Date: 12/17/2023Attendance: 35/45Value: Truth; Sub-Value: Faith
Class started with three OMs, Gayathri and Meditation.
Summary of the Class: Celebration of Christmas
we had so much fun in the class going over the field trip experience sharing with students what they learnt in the church and it was amazing to hear from students how they enjoyed being in the church and how much they learnt about Jesus. How compassion and love towards the world and he always followed Love all serve all.
Activity: Every students had a chance take opportunity to do the cookie decoration and have their decor cookie too. please see all the pictures posted in the parents what app chat.
Game: We had a chance play musical chair with our christmas carols. Our students enjoyed thoroughly. Please see the video and pictures sent already.
Bhajans: Students had a chance to practice bhajans for the Sai Madhuram performance.
Students offering was phenomenal. thank you Swami.
Swami’s quote:
There is only one religion the religion of love.
‘There is only one caste, the caste of humanity.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
There is only one God who is omnipresent.
Life application: Connect with your students and participate in asking questions what they have learnt and what are the practices they will be following untill next class from what they have learnt from this class.
Closing prayers: Samantha lokah sukino bhavanthu (3)
Note: No classes on Dec 24 and Dec 31st and classes Wil resume on Jan 7th 2024.
Sai ram
Class Date: 09/24/2023
Attendance: 35/45
Value: Truth; Sub-Value: Faith
Summary of class: Field trip to BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Raleigh:
What a great way to learn Buddhism through an amazing presenter Elise which was calm and soulful experience.
we got to hear the story of Buddha and significance, philosophy, teachings, 4 Nobel paths, symbol.
Philosophy of Buddha:
1. Life is precious
2. Cause and effect
3. Interdependence
4. Impermanence
Elise also talked about positive emotions: joy, happiness, gratitude and negative emotions: like anger, greed and jealousy. How Vises verses virtues are very important to have in this human life. Human life is offered to you with great merits and we have to be grateful for our precious life.
we got to know about the prayer flags and the different colors of the flags mean. Difference colors of the flag is related to 5 elements.
Prayer wheel and it’s significance, it’s wheeled clock wise and put in all the prayers in it and more you wheel it and more it spins and more the positive vibrations of good energy is spread to the world.
We had a chance see the Stupa and what it means.
All the scriptures were shown and the main scripture of Buddhism is Tripitaka.
presentation ended with a great meditation of inhaling through the one nostrils and exhaling through other nostrils and deep breathing normally after that, a very peaceful experience.
We had a chance to take a group pictures please see the what’s app parent chat group.
Students were given the passport to take home. Please see under life application what they are supposed to do.
Swami’s Quote:
There is only one God, and he is omnipresent.
There only one language, the language of the heart.
There is only one religion, the religion of love.
Life application:
Students write their experience in the passport received after the touring of Buddhist temple. What was their haha moment
And surprise waiting in the class to go on to the passport. Please bring your passport to the class.
Class date: 09/17/23
Value: Love Sub-Value: Unity of Faiths
Summary of class:
We started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri Mantra & Meaning, followed by Meditation.
learning: forms are different. God is one.
To show that we did a role play:
Role play: : We teachers did role play ‘Fingers and hands’- conveying message that all fingers and thumb have different unique qualities, but they all are part of one hand. Body parts are different but belong to one individual.
Activity– Students separated different types of grains from a jar of mixed varieties of grains . We conveyed the message that religions are many, methods of prayers are different, we call God by different names, but all are interconnected and teach us the same five universal values.
We had a brief discussion about the importance of knowing different religions, helping to respect and understand other cultures better.
Sarva dharma Stupa-or symbol Swami, on his 50th birthday celebration, came up with a sketch of stupa or symbol and how it was built. We discussed five main religion’s symbols, and significance of each part of stupa.or symbol.
Bhajan : we learnt sarva dharma bhajan’ Ram kaho Krishna kaho, Eshwar Allah Sai kaho’,
Swami’s Quote:
There is only one God, and he is omnipresent.
There only one language, the language of the heart.
There is only one religion, the religion of love.
Affirmation: students were able to write the affirmations.
Students wrote said and their Affirmations aloud and ended the class with Closing Prayers.
Class Date: 01/29/2023
Attendance: 21/28
Value: Truth; Sub-Value: Faith
Summary of class:
We started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri Mantra & Meaning, followed by Light Meditation
Sharing of the life application from last week.
We introduced the SUB-VALUE FAITH
- Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
- Strong belief and trust in and loyalty to God.
- Something that is believed especially with strong conviction.
We had a phenomenal class on Faith yesterday We had recap of self confidence how it is very important in life in every aspect. We had a great sharing in the class too. Started with a story of a boy who wanted to plant a seeds of corn 🌽 to grow with soil, sunlight and water Every day he was patiently watering the seed to grow but all he could see is weeds growing around the seed instead he seeing corn grow. He used to weed out all the weeds growing, with lots of hard work, patience, persistence and faith the seeds finally into a beautiful corn tree.
Experiment Time: We showed the experiment to students
A PVC pipe, rag and a soda can, When a PVC pipe come into contact with a soda can no movement. When the PVC pipe come in contact with Sida can after it’s been created friction with Rag, soda can moves as the PVC pipe moves.
This experiment shows PVC pipe as you or humans, rag is the faith you rub with more the faith you have more the God is closer to you. Soda can represent God.
Swami’s Quote:
Having unshakable inner confidence
Faith is GOD. Faith in Yourself. That is a secret of greatness
Continue Parctising for Sai Madhuram
https://www.sF11https://www.saimelodies.saigcregion3.org/Songs/Detail/2862 -Girls
https://www.saimelodies.saigcregion3.org/Songs/Detail/585- Boys
LIFE APPLICATION – DAILY SPIRITUAL DIARY, please encourage this week’s action plan, and they can make notes for the whole week with their notebook.
- Morning Prayer
- Food Prayer
- Spiritual Interview
- Interview your family members and share
- What FAITH Means for them?
- What were their experiences on FAITH?
- Please interview your family and share in our next time.
- Chanting / Jyothi Meditation / Service
- Bedtime Prayers
Affirmation: Students wrote said their Affirmations aloud and ended the class with Closing Prayers.
Class Date: 01/22/2023
Attendance: 18/28
Value: Truth; Sub-Value: Self-Confidence
Summary of class:
We started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri Mantra & Meaning, followed by Light Meditation
Sharing of the life application:
Students shared their experiences of how they exhibited the confidence through out the week. It was great listening to the experience s and also teachers shared their experiences too.
A 4min Video to show some tips how to be self confident from 12 year old , the video is shared on the what’s app parents group chat. We discussed what did they they learn from the video? They said how to self confidence by over coming their own fears.
we had a great opportunity to conduct a ballon experiment to show how the self confidence can work when you have God with you and believe that anything is possible to achieve when you have that will power and God power. Please ask students about what does the balloon represents, what does the straw represent, what does the air represent and the string. It was a great discussion in the class. See the pics on what’s app parents group chat.
We had a bhajan practice with Nithya Aunty who came to the class to teach the class 2 Bhajans please see the link below and the audio, video pics on the chat. Also please check the Lingastakam for Shiva ratri Feb 18th
https://www.sF11https://www.saimelodies.saigcregion3.org/Songs/Detail/2862 -Girls
https://www.saimelodies.saigcregion3.org/Songs/Detail/585- Boys
Swami’s quote :
If you know what is right, don’t ask – do it!
That is confidence-God power.
LIFE APPLICATION – DAILY SPIRITUAL DIARY, please encourage this week’s action plan, and they can make notes for the whole week with their notebook.
- Morning prayer: as soon as you are up, please recite morning prayers
- Food prayer: before you partake of food
- Bedtime prayer: before going to bed
- Believe Swami is with you; talk to Swami to boost your Self-Confidence
- Chanting / Jyothi Meditation / Service
We ended our class with closing prayers.
Class Date: 01/15/2023
Attendance: 18/28
Value: Truth; Sub-Value: Self-Confidence
Summary of class:
We started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri Mantra & Meaning, followed by Light Meditation.
We discussed last week’s Life Application.
We revised all three prayers – Morning, Food, and Bedtime.
Please work with the children to practice prayers daily and note them in their spiritual diary
We played the game “Pass the Parcel”, and children were given simple topics to perform spontaneously and impromptu scenarios . We saw children demonstrate their innate personality and discussed the scenarios and how they can perform in the given scenarios in their daily life. How can they take these every day opportunity and exhibit confidence . life application from last week – What personalities do they relate to the most and how to work on building self-confidence – recognize the divinity in you and believe that GOD – SWAMI is always with you.
We discussed the story of Hanuman as a child, who was fearless, and how he needed Jambavantha to remind him of his innate strength, encouraging him to cross the ocean in search of Sita. Like how Hanuman did not know his own strengths and his own self confidence until he crossed the ocean to give Sita mata the message.
We presented and discussed why Self-Confidence is important:
- Leads to inner peace and mind satisfaction
- Leads to success in all areas of life
- Believing in oneself will promote developing love for all
- Self-confidence will bring transformation from within, believing God is within us; he will always guide and protect us.
And SWAMI’s Quote:
Self-confidence means thinking all the time, “God is in me…
Important Information:
We Choose the Bhajan for Group 2 Girls & Boys for Sai Madhuram, date 12th Feb 2023.
Girls: https://www.saimelodies.saigcregion3.org/Songs/Detail/2862
Boys: https://www.saimelodies.saigcregion3.org/Songs/Detail/585
Lingashtakam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Xaaw3U4A-I
Please encourage Children to participate in the Sai Samarpan offering, the submissions folders will be open from next week.
Affirmation: Children said their Affirmations aloud and ended the class with Closing Prayers.
LIFE APPLICATION – DAILY SPIRITUAL DIARY, please encourage this week’s action plan, and they can make notes for the whole week with their notebook.
- Morning prayer: as soon as you are up, please recite morning prayers
- Food prayer: before you partake of food
- Bedtime prayer: before going to bed
- Believe Swami is with you, talk to Swami to boost your Self-Confidence
- Practice Truthfulness and Respect
- Chanting / Jyothi Meditation / Service
We ended our class with closing prayers.
Wishing you a wonderful and blessed year, 2023
Class Date: 01/08/2023
Attendance: 22/28
Value: Truth; Sub-Value: Self-Confidence
Summary of class:
We started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri Mantra & Meaning, followed by Light Meditation.
We discussed last week’s Life Application.
We revised all three prayers – Morning, Food, and Bedtime.
Please work with the children to practice prayers daily and note them in their spiritual diary
Today’s class introduced the next Sub-Value, “Self Confidence.”
We did a role-play to demonstrate three different personalities portraying confidence levels –
- Open-minded, Courageous, and Always confident to take up any challenge
- Closed-minded, Rigid, and never want to take up anything outside of the comfort zone
- Open-minded, looks for support to take up challenges
We discussed the stories of contemporary achievers who believed in themselves, showed perseverance, hard-work and succeeded despite many obstacles – J K Rowling, Michel Jordan, Messie, Abraham Lincon.
Learned the meaning of Self Confidence and what Swami says about the importance of Self Confidence.
A feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment.
The knowledge of inner truth and value, the knowledge of who you really are – divine.
Swami Says:
“Without self-confidence, no achievement is possible. If you have confidence in your strength and skill, you can draw upon the inner springs of courage and raise yourselves to the higher level of joy and peace.”
We discussed offerings for Sai Madhuram and Sai Samarpan.
Important Information:
Next class, we will finalize the Bhajan for Group 2 Girls & Boys for Sai Madhuram, date 12th Feb 2023.
Please encourage Children to participate in the Sai Samarpan offering, the submissions folders will be open from next week.
Affirmation: Children said their Affirmations aloud and ended the class with Closing Prayers.
LIFE APPLICATION – DAILY SPIRITUAL DIARY, please encourage this week’s action plan, and they can make notes for the whole week with their notebook.
- Morning prayer: as soon as you are up, please recite morning prayers
- Food prayer: before you partake of food
- Bedtime prayer: before going to bed
- Identify when you were confident, when you felt not so confident, and what you did then.
- Practice Truthfulness and Respect
- Chanting / Jyothi Meditation / Service
We ended our class with closing prayers.
Class Date: 12/18/2022
Attendance: 12/28
Christmas Celebration
Summary of class:
We started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri Mantra & Meaning, followed by Light Meditation.
We discussed last week’s Life Application.
We revised all three prayers – Morning, Food, and Bedtime.
Please work with the children to practice prayers daily and note them in their spiritual diary
The class was focused on Christmas….
We heard the Christmas story of star in the night sky, the birth of Jesus, and three gifts. We saw clippings of miracles of Jesus, relating to what our Swami used to perform as well.
We learned what Swami said about the three gifts and how each of us has them.
And as a class, we played Christmas Trivia and fun activities; the children enjoyed the games and won prizes.
Affirmation: Children said their Affirmations aloud and ended the class with Closing Prayers.
LIFE APPLICATION – DAILY SPIRITUAL DIARY, please encourage this week’s action plan, and they can make notes for the whole week with their notebook.
- Morning prayer: as soon as you are up, please recite morning prayers
- Food prayer: before you partake food
- Practice Truthfulness and Respect
- Any chanting/ meditation or service and what is the importance of it. Please ask your students about it.
- Bedtime prayer; before going to bed.
Wishing you all Happy Holidays!
Class Date 12/11/2022
VALUE: Truth, Sub Value: Respect
Summary of class:
We started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri Mantra & Meaning, followed by Light Meditation.
We discussed last week’s Life Application.
We revised Morning Prayer & Food Prayer. This week we learned the Bedtime prayer.

Please work with the children to practice all three prayers daily and note them in their spiritual diary
We revised about Sub-Value Respect and discussed why it is important to respect all living beings and creations on GOD irrespective of their form. This was illustrated with an example of a Mosquito and how it adds value in maintaining balance in the ecosystem.
Swami’s Quotes:
“Sometimes I am a dog, sometimes a pig, a cow, a cat or an ant, a fly or an aquatic creature. In such various forms do I move about in the world. Know that I love only him who sees Me in all the living beings. So give up the sense of differentiation. This is the way to worship Me.” ~ Sai of Shirdi
“I am nearest to the one who calls on Me and sees Me in all beings.” – ‘Sathya Sai Speaks’ – 14th Sept. 1975
We had Samhitha from Group 4 teach us a beautiful bhajan:
I Keep Feeling Your Love In Me Over And Over Again
And It’s Sweeter And Sweeter As The Days Go By
Oh What A Love Between My Sai And I
My Sai And I, My Sai And I
Affirmation: Children said their Affirmations aloud and ended the class with Closing Prayers.
LIFE APPLICATION – DAILY SPIRITUAL DIARY, please encourage this week’s action plan, and they can make notes for the whole week with their notebook.
- Morning prayer: as soon as you are up, please recite morning prayers
- Food prayer: before you partake food
- Pay attention and note How you SHOW respect and How you RECEIVE respect.
- Any chanting/ meditation or service and what is the importance of it. Please ask your students about it.
- Bedtime prayer; before going to bed.
Sai Ram
Class Date: 12/04/2022
VALUE: Truth, Sub Value: Respect
Attendance: 18/28
Summary of class:
We started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri Mantra & Meaning, followed by Light Meditation.
We discussed last week’s Life Application.
Morning Prayer & Food Prayer: Parents, please encourage students to practice reciting the Shloka every morning as soon as they up from bed and food prayer before partaking meals.
We revised about Sub-Value Respect and discussed what respect means to each of us.
Learnt why Respect is important, how Swami simplifies and presents an easy path to “Respect to All”
We discussed the Story of Shiridi Baba and Swami, where Swami has exhorted to everyone that one must see the Lord in all. He says that D-O-G (dog) becomes G-O-D (God) when viewed from the correct perspective.
We together watched the video Abu Bin Adam Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsxpihvG864
Signifying the need to respect and love fellow beings as GOD then GOD himself will be with you always.
Swami’s Quote:
- Respect all others as your kin, having the same divine spark and the same divine nature.”
- “Know yourself as divine and when you revere all others as divine.”
Affirmation: Children said out aloud their Affirmations and ended the class with Closing Prayers.
LIFE APPLICATION – DAILY SPIRITUAL DIARY, please encourage this week’s action plan, and they can make notes for the whole week with their notebook.
- Morning prayer: as soon as you are up, please recite morning prayers
- Food prayer: before you partake food
- Pay attention and note How you SHOW respect and How you RECEIVE respect.
- Any chanting/ meditation or service and what is the importance of it. Please ask your students about it.
- Bedtime prayer; before going to bed.
Important information for Parents: We encourage everyone, especially Students, to practice The Prayers daily (Life application)
Sai Ram
Class Date 11/06/2022
VALUE: Truth
Sub Value: Respect
Attendance: 18/38
- Having esteem and reverence for yourself and others
- Based on the recognition of the truth of God in All
Summary of class:
We started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri Mantra & Meaning, followed by Light Meditation.
We discussed last week’s Life Application.
Morning Prayer & Food Prayer: Parents, please encourage students to practice reciting the Shloka every morning as soon as they up from bed and food prayer before partaking food.
We revised about Sub-Value Honesty and Introduced the next sub value – RESPECT
We together watched the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHQp-SxcNww
And identified the key sub-value as RESPECT
Activity Time:
Children depicted and wrote about their views about
- What respect sounds like?
- What respect looks like?
- What respect feels like?
And they wrote Acronym About Respect.
Here is a snapshot of notes from the children:

Today’s class was an Hour Only as most of the Children went for Bhajan practice for Upcoming Swami’s Birthday Celebrations.
Remaining children watched the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddvTFgzkS5M
Affirmation: Children said out aloud their Affirmations and ended the class with Closing Prayers.
Important information for Parents: We encourage everyone, especially Students, to practice The Prayers daily (Life application)
Next three weeks there is no class because of Akhanda Bhajan and Birthday Retreat event.
1) Akhanda Bhajans (Nov 12th and 13th)
2) Swami’s Birthday Mini retreat -Nov 18th 4PM till 9:30 PM and Nov 19th 6:45 AM till 4PM
3) Rise against Hunger service event (Friday, Nov 18th evening)
Looking forward to seeing you all for the Akhanda Bhajan
Sai Ram
CLASS DATE: 10/30/2022
VALUE: Truth
Sub Value: Honest
Attendance: 15/28
- Being straightforward in speech and conduct
- Behaving sincerely
- Following through on one’s promise.
Summary of class:
We started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri Mantra & Meaning, followed by Light Meditation.
We discussed last week’s Life Application.
Morning Prayer: parents please encourage students to practice and recite the Shloka every morning as soon as they up from the bed. we had an opportunity to continue with the honesty is the best policy.
Game time:
We had a fantastic time playing the coin game.
Students were divided into 3 groups and given the cup with the water and each group were given one penny, drop the penny in the water and try to cover the penny with quarter and dime. It needed more other coins to cover the penny.
The inference of this game is once you tell one lie( cent) you have to cover much much lies ( quarter , dime) so the moral of the game is do not let the lie weigh it down and also wats tell the truth no matter what.
We also had an opportunity to watch the Robot story about being honest.
Swami’s words about Honesty:
Important information for Parents:
We encourage everyone, especially Students, to practice The Prayers daily (Life application)
Sai Ram
CLASS DATE: 10/23/2022
VALUE: Truth
Sub Value: Honest
Also talked about the importance of Diwali!
Summary of class:
We started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri Mantra & Meaning, followed by Light Meditation.
We discussed last week’s Life Application.
Morning Prayer, Recited the Morning prayer and its meaning again. Nice to see half the class was familiar and reciting every day. Please encourage students to prayer this shloka as soon as they rise from the bed.:
Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi, Karamadhye Saraswati
Karamoole Tu Govinda, Prabhaate Karadarshanam
Meaning :
I focus on my fingers (Kara: hand; Agra: top/tip) and I visualize the abundant blessings of Goddess Lakshmi , who dwells there.
I focus on the center of my palms (Kara: hand, Madhya: middle) and I visualize the abundant blessings of Goddess Saraswati, who dwells there.
At the base of my hand (Kara: hand, Moola: bottom), I visualize the infinite blessings of Lord Vishnu, who dwells there.
And so, I focus on my hands every morning and seek divine manifestation
We continued the topic on the value Truth – Subvalue Honesty. And had a chance to play button game. Students enjoyed playing it and the inference of the game is how difficult to with hold the dishonesty and always honesty is the best policy. Ask students how they enjoyed it.
Important information for Parents:
We encourage everyone, especially Students, to practice The Prayers daily (Life application)
Sai Ram
Class Date: 10/02/2022
Value: Truth
Attendance: 21/33
Class Summary:
Started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri mantra and it’s meaning, Light meditation.
Guest Speaker: Priya Raghunanan Who an ardent devotee of Swami and her both the children were my Group 2 students 15 years ago and one is Pilot in training and one more is studying in Italy so proud of them. Priya is certified Phyliss Crystal mention of meditation.
but in the class she was able to guide the love and light guided meditation for 10 min and students enjoyed it. She followed by the Devi bhajan.
Thank you Priya you lighted the class with your beautiful energy!
As it was Navratri and Gandhi Jayanti:
we had an opportunity to show a video on the importance of Navrathri and shared a story on the Truth about Gandhi’s life
we able to discuss and share the importance of the Navrathri celebrations and Gandhi Jayanti!
please ask our students about the story and what they understood with those amazing stories!
quiz time:
we quizzed the students about different names of Devi, name few Devi bhajans, name few Devi shlokas
students well participated and also enjoyed.
we also talked about 5 mathas Swami mentions
Bhu matha, Go matha, Deha matha,
Congratulations! On Aishwarya and Saketh to sing in the center very well done. Thank you for taking this opportunity to sing to our beloved Swami
Thank you for the snack for the whole class parent volunteer Aditi , children enjoyed it
Swami’s quote:
- You must always adhere to truth and fulfil all the promise you make. Then, I will be with you, wherever you are and at all times.
- Whole class had a chance to write the affirmation in their note book.
please encourage this week action plan and they can make the notes for the whole week with their notebook.
1. Morning prayer : as soon as you are up please recite morning prayers 2.Food prayer: before you partake the food 3. How did you practice truthfulness today: yet of the day or before going to bed reflection of the day time. 4. Any chanting/ meditation or service 5. Bedtime prayer; before going to bed.
Avatar day is coming up in Greensboro please let us know if any of our students can participate on Saturday Oct 15th 10-5pm
- Any questions we are just a call away.
Class Date: 9/25/2022
Value: Truth
Attendance: 24/28
Class Summary:
Started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri mantra and it’s meaning, Light meditation.
Sharing: life application from last week.
Recap of the last class:
Introduction to TRUTH
The quality or state of being True, that which is fact , actual Event, real thing.
What SWAMI says about TRUTH.
Give truth( Sathya) first place in your thought, word and deed. In everything that you do use all the strength and talent with which you are endowed.
Swami’s quote:
- You must always adhere to truth and fulfil all the promise you make. Then, I will be with you, wherever you are and at all times.
- Whole class had a chance to write the affirmation in their note book.
- Tall tale: Students were given a task to distinguish between the truth and False:
- they did a great job in doing so and were able to discuss why truth is important value to follow.
video: we watched the video of the significance to telling the truth.
please see the attached video in what’s app parent group .
Swami’s quote:The experience of truth alone can foster love. Truth is the current and love is the bulb it illumines through truth, you can experience love, you can visualize truth.
please encourage this week action plan and they can make the notes for the whole week with their not book.
1. Morning prayer : as soon as you are up please recite morning prayers 2.Food prayer: before you partake the food 3. How did you practice truthfulness today: yet of the day or before going to bed reflection of the day time. 4. Any chanting/ meditation or service 5. Bedtime prayer; before going to bed.
Avatar day is coming up in Greensboro please let us know if any of our students can participate on Saturday Oct 15th 10-5pm
- Any questions we are just a call away.
Sai Ram
Class Date: 9/18/2022
Value: Truth
Attendance: 24/28
Class Summary:
Started with 3 OMS, 3 Gayathri mantra and it’s meaning, Light meditation. Game time:We had a chance to play Pictionary where the students were divided into 4 teams, a scenario was give to each team to draw and remaining teams need to guess. They all did a great job.
after all the scenarios were discussed( please ask our students what were the scenarios) We discussed the scenarios pertaining to school, home, etcwe had an opportunity to see a video of how truth can change your outcome. after the video we were able to discuss.
also discuss why we sometimes not speak the truth, what is the reason?
because fear of getting in trouble, attention, testing boundaries, fear of punishment, avoiding pain, what other people think of them, pretend.they need to look cool etc
So what is Truth
Important information for Parents:
We encourage everyone, especially Students, to practice The Prayer
2. Please read and acknowledge the Parent’s Pledge 3. Please review the Media Consent Form and confirm your decision digitally4. We strongly encourage you to participate in the Go Green Offering for Swami’s 97th Birthday; follow the link for details and registration https://www.sssgc-zone1.org/offering/5. We will send details about The Hormonous Homes program shortly; please take this opportunity and join us for the Transformative Sessions. Looking forward to an excellent SSSE year, we will formally begin our classes on Sunday next week, 18th September 2022.Sai Ram
Beginning of Spiritual Year 2023 – 2024
End of Spiritual Year 2022 – 2023
27th March 2022
20th March 2022
Attendance: 25/31
Eashwaramma Day preparation as a team
Summary of Today’s class:
We started our class with Omkar 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayathri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation.
Life Application: Sharing time from last class
Take a jar/box or any plastic container
AWARENESS of GOD being Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient
And continue to respond with LOVE and empty your Jar
If your jar is already empty continue to add colorful beads with love.
Show your jar and share your experience with the class
E- Day brain storming as a team:
A very productive discussion as team and we have a plan to execute it and assign the roles and students finalizing the start to the start to completion of the 30 min presentation.
Swami’s quote:
Do Good. Be Good and see Good. Do Everything with Love.
Take a jar/box or any plastic container
AWARENESS of GOD being Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient
And continue to respond with LOVE and empty your Jar
If your jar is already empty continue to add colourful beads with love.
Show your jar and share your experience with the class
Important information regarding Eashwaramma day celebrations on Sunday May 8th
Please make sure you know its a in person celebration from group 2 we sure are requested if the parents not ok with students performing in person please let us know. 3/20/22 we will be finalizing the presentation and the roles will be assigned goo.
Affirmation: Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers: The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next class.
Sai Ram
Note: Shivaratri bhajan in the center refer Raleigh sai center News letter for details.
6th & 13th March 2022
Attendance: 22/31 & 24/31
Summary of class:
Divine love:
We started our class with Omkar 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayathri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation.
Life Application: Sharing time from last class
- Take a jar/box or any plastic container
- AWARENESS of GOD being Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient
- And continue to respond with LOVE and empty your Jar
- If your jar is already empty continue to add colourful beads with love.
- Show your jar and share your experience with the class
Today we started with Faith and Trust in God
What is faith?
FAITH is unwavering belief in GOD
You believe in yourself because your SELF is GOD
You have an unshakeable FAITH in GOD deep down inside you
FAITH in YOURSELF and FAITH in GOD are identical.
Faith -Trust-Believe
- I am in you, with you, surrounding you.
- I am always guiding and guarding you as the eyelid protects the eye!
- Story time
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyAazf0UdJs&t=9s
Swami quote:
Help Ever
Hurt Never
Activity Time – Sai Essence
Zip lock bag filled with water and pencil experiment to show how faith in God is demonstrated.
We had an opportunity for Shivani Gadepalli from group three stopped by and taught the class the following Bhajan. Please listen to the audio and the lyrics and practice at home so any interested students can participate in the next group 2 turn to sing bhajan in the center.
I Am God, I Am God, I Am No Different From God
I Am The Infinite Supreme, The One Reality
I Am Satchidananda Swaroopa
I Am Om Tat Sat Om
I Am Love, I Am Truth, I Am Peace Eternally
I Am Ever Pure Delight, I Am Always Full And Free
Fear And Grief Can Never Touch Me [ I Am Om … ]
Please, refer the what’s app parents message for the audio.
Go green tips on saving water.
Take showers and cut down on your time.
Load the laundry and dish washer full before you run the machine
Swami says water is a do one energy do. It waste it and it is life energy.
- Take a jar/box or any plastic container
- AWARENESS of GOD being Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient
- And continue to respond with LOVE and empty your Jar
- If your jar is already empty continue to add colourful beads with love.
- Show your jar and share your experience with the class
- Important information regarding Eashwaramma day celebrations on Sunday May 8th
- Please make sure you know its a in person celebration from group 2 we sure are requested if the parents not ok with students performing in person please let us know. 3/20/22 we will be finalizing the presentation and the roles will be assigned goo.
Affirmation: Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers: The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next class.
Sai Ram
27th Feb 2022
Attendance: 29/31
Summary of Today’s class:
Divine love:
We started our class with Omkar 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayathri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation.
Life Application: Sharing from last class: In the break out rooms
Show your jar and share your Transformations in the break out rooms.
1.How was your transformation from week 1,2 and 3 of the jar activity?
2.How did you feel after the transformation ?
3. How do your Always respond with love in future?
It was very well participated break out room discussion and every single student participated and well received and well taken I to action on everyday awareness of being in love, with love and of love where you constantly encourage to be in three O – Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent.
God is omnipotent, all powerful
God is omnipresent, present Everywhere.
God is omniscient, All knowing.
After the break out room students summarized what they discussed and came up the with Swami’s quote. Guess what all the three break out rooms had the same Swami’s quote. That is below.
Swami quote:
Help Ever
Hurt Never
We had an opportunity for Shivani Gadepalli from group three stopped by and taught the class the following Bhajan. Please listen to the audio and the lyrics and practice at home so any interested students can participate in the next group 2 turn to sing bhajan in the center.
I Am God, I Am God, I Am No Different From God
I Am The Infinite Supreme, The One Reality
I Am Satchidananda Swaroopa
I Am Om Tat Sat Om
I Am Love, I Am Truth, I Am Peace Eternally
I Am Ever Pure Delight, I Am Always Full And Free
Fear And Grief Can Never Touch Me [ I Am Om … ]
Please, refer the what’s app parents message for the audio.
Take a jar/box or any plastic container
Be aware of GOD being Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient And continue to empty your Jar.
Affirmation: Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers: The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next class.
Sai Ram
Note: Shivaratri bhajan in the center refer Raleigh sai center News letter for details
20th Feb 2022
Attendance: 24/31
Divine love
Summary of Today’s class:
We started our class with Omkar 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayathri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation. Difference between
Human love and Divine love
Life Application: Sharing from last class:
Show your jar and share your experience with the class
What did you do to empty the Jar ?
What were your observations ?
How to develop Prema/divine love?
Now continuing the discussion to the next level, we bought in what Swami says about having vices in us.
Prema can cultivate through two methods.
First Method- Always consider
The faults of others, however big, to be insignificant and negligible.
Always consider own faults, however insignificant and negligible, to be big, and feel sad and repentant.
By this means, you avoid developing bigger faults and defects
You can acquire qualities of brotherliness and forbearance.
Second Method – Love for God
Whatever you do, alone or with others,
Do it remembering that GOD is Omnipresent.
GOD sees, hears, and knows everything
We had an opportunity to show an activity of tumbler, paper and water bowl.to show how air is every where so is the God everywhere. Please, ask your kids, what does tumbler, water and the bowl represent and what was the amazing inference they learnt form this activity to show God is Omnipresent.
Whatever you speak,
Remember that GOD hears every word.
Discriminate between the true and the false,
And speak only the truth.
We had an opportunity to show that God is all knowing a short video. Please, watch with our student and ask questions about what they understood about it.
What ever you do, discriminate between right and wrong, and do only right. Endeavor every moment to be aware of the omnipotence of God.
Story/ video:
We had an opportunity to share the Mrs. Rathanlall story from minutes 21.06 to 26.66 a 5minutes video to share the ominipotentent story how Swami all powerful story narrated by Mrs. Rathanlal herself.
Swami quote:
God is omnipotent, all powerful
God is omnipresent, present Everywhere.
God is omniscient, All knowing.
Take a jar/box or any plastic container
Be aware of GOD being Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient
And continue to empty your Jar
Affirmation: Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers: The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next class.
Sai Ram
13th Feb 2022
Attendance: 27/33
Divine Love
Summary of Today’s class: Divine love: We started our class with Omkar 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayathri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation. Difference between Human love and Divine love
Sharing the Life application from Last week:
Take a jar and fill it up with any household pantry item like dry beans, Cheetos or nuts, etc to fill up the jar if you have exhibited anger, unkind words, or any negative emotions like fear, sadness, jealousy, etc
Almost the whole class participated and discussed very well what made them fill up the jar. It was nice to see the reasons they filled up that jar.
How to develop Prema/divine love?
Now continuing the discussion to the next level, we bought in what Swami says about having vices in us.
Prema can cultivate through two methods.
First one- Always consider
The faults of others, however big, to be insignificant and negligible.
Always consider own faults, however insignificant and negligible, to be big, and feel sad and repentant.
By this means, you avoid developing bigger faults and defects
You can acquire qualities of brotherliness and forbearance.
Once discussed the above we watched the video, see the below link.
Activity :
- Role played three scenarios of speaking unkind words, anger, and being negative.
- Balloon activity showing how these vices can blow up the balloon if you let it affect you and react to it and how can we convert these unkind to kindness and love. . . Please ask our students what they learnt from the role play and the balloon activities.
Discussion take away after the activities
- Can we experience love for others or God?
- Reaction v/s response
- Forgive and forget
- When you catch yourself being unkind, bring yourself back to kindness and love.
Swami quote: ” love lives by giving and forgiving”
- How are you planning to empty the Jar? From last week
- Put your plan into action and empty your Jar, every time you have been kind, caring, loving
- Show your empty jar and share your experience with the class.
Affirmation: Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers: The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next class.
Sai Ram
Click Here for Previous Class Notes
6th Feb 2022
Attendance: 27/33
Divine Love
Summary of Today’s class: Divine love: We started our class with Omkar 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayathri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation. Difference between Human love and Divine love
Human love:
Love is a basic principle of human nature. It is confused with the affection of the mother to her child, attachment between family members, the dependence of friend on a friend, relationship of teacher and pupils. In every of these, there is a trace of egoistic need can be recognized, Love without ego is genuine love. It is pure, full, and free.
Divine Love
- God’s love is more intense than thousands of mothers.
- It is not offered to satisfy any desires.
- He offers Himself. God loves because the happiness of the loved one is loved by him as his own happiness.
- God’s love is so sweet and soft. One who believes “I am yours” he will never neglect him.
- You are sincere in surrender, you have earned the ultimate goal of life.
You have to conduct yourself in such a way that God’s love is drawn towards you and constantly on you.
We had a chance to watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jdVp1TFQvM&t=326s
Activity :
Please, check with students about today’s activity about Divine Love ” Bucket, mug and Sponge Activity”. Students participated in a very active discussion and shared their thoughts about the activity. very impressed by the students’ involvement in the participation.
Ice cream Story of Divine was told in the class. Please ask our students about this wonderful story.
Swami quote:
” All things are beautifully seen through the eyes of love “
Go Green Tips:
Presented by Valli group 3 student, for February. Please refer parents whats app group.
Affirmation: Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Life Application:
- Take a jar/box or any plastic container
- Each time you –
Add a pebble or a chit or a special shape or a bead or any small objects into the jar
- Show your jar and share your experience with the class next week.
Closing prayers: The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next class.
Sai Ram
30th Jan 2022
Attendance: 30/33
Selfless love – Service – Selfless service
Summary of the class:
We started our class with Omkara 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayatri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation. It was a wonderful class with teams presenting and performing on their stories, morals, and Swami’s teachings.
Today’s class summary:
We had 11 groups of 3 students each in a group prepared as a team and presented the following topics on the selfless service :
It was great treat for us to see their fabulous presentation delivered with professional, love, team work, communication, over challenges and leadership as a team:
Here are topics they presented:
Swami’s Super speciality hospital, bills gates foundation, Mother Theresa, ocean project, sathya sai educational institutions, selfless service at home, service at school, Mahathma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. The topics were covered from home to the nation.
We were super proud of there delivery and creativity.
Thank you Parents for your effort, and your supporting our students, we greatly appreciate you.
Selfless Service is the Worship you offer, to the God in Everyone.
Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Life Application:
Selfless Service – Community
Food drive for Inter-faith Food Shuttle, Durham by Group 3 SSE Students every month
(Non-Perishable Food Items), Drop the at Brother Param’s place:
Address: 719 McRae Rd, Cary
Closing prayers: The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next class.
23rd Jan 2022
Attendance: 31/33
Selfless love – Service – Selfless service
Summary of the class: Selfless love – Service – Selfless service
We started our class with Omkara 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayatri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation. It was a wonderful class with teams presenting and performing on their stories, morals, and Swami’s teachings.
Today’s class summary:
We had a chance to have three beak-out rooms and participate in the activity of discussing.
Q-What is the difference between Chore/ Duty / Service?
Q-Why we should do Service?
It was a great discussion and participation from students. After the discussion, we have divided the students into three groups and given them a beautiful topics to research on the selfless services rendered by these organizations
As Swami always says service starts from home. So, we have given them the topics from home to school to community to country and and the world. Please, refer the what’s app parent group for the group and students assigned.
We had Chance to watch this beautiful video of selfless service
Swami quote: Help Ever, Hurt never
Life Application:
Selfless Service – Community
Food drive for Inter-faith Food Shuttle, Durham by Group 3 SSE Students every month
(Non-Perishable Food Items), Drop the at Brother Param’s place:
Address: 719 McRae Rd, Cary
Closing prayers: The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next class.
Sai Ram
16th Jan 2022
Attendance: 29/33
Selfless love – Service – Selfless service
Summary of the class:
We started our class with Omkara 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayatri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation. It was a wonderful class with teams presenting and performing on their stories, morals, and Swami’s teachings.
What is service? Action of helping or doing work for someone
What is selfless service? Selfless Service or Seva is a service that is performed without any expectation of result or award for the person performing it.
Swami’s Words on Selfless Service
Engage yourself in selfless service. The reward for it will come of its own accord….whatever you do, do it with all your heart and to your full satisfaction. The satisfaction will give you the reward and recompense. It will confer all the strength…Acquire this true wealth.
Characteristics of Selfless Service:
We revised the first 5 characters introduced in the last class
- Selfless service to others develops awareness of the truth of oneness.
- God Himself, and the elements of nature, such as the sun and earth, provide supreme examples of selfless service
- Selfless service is the means to develop the spirit of sacrifice.
- Selfless service promotes tolerance, love, inner peace, and the experience of the brotherhood of man.
- Selfless service provides practice in all human values, including sacrifice
And, learned the next 2 characters:
- Helping others with love and selflessness always brings the grace of God. we watched a beautiful story about “Grace of God!”
7. Selfless service is one of the highest forms of spiritual practice because its focus is on helping others rather than one’s self.
We discussed the concepts of sadhana vs Seva based on
And, we watched a video in which Swami tells about three main practices that are important while doing selfless service or Seva
Swami Says: https://youtu.be/4n2-ihxOChQ
Swami quote:
Help Ever, Hurt never
Go Greem Tip for the Month of January by Valli <Add slide>
Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Life Application:
Selfless Service – Community
Food drive for Inter-faith Food Shuttle, Durham by Group 3 SSE Students every month
(Non-Perishable Food Items), Drop the at Brother Param’s place:
Address: 719 McRae Rd, Cary
Closing prayers: The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next class.
9th Jan 2022
“Selfless Love – Service – Selfless Service
Attendance: 28/33
Summary of the class:
Selfless love – Service -Selfless service
We started our class with Omkara 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayatri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation. It was a wonderful class with teams presenting and performing on their stories, morals, and Swami’s teachings.
What is service?
The action of helping or doing work for someone
What is selfless service?
Selfless Service or Seva is a service that is performed without any expectation of result or award for the person performing it.
Swami’s Words on Selfless Service
Engage yourself in selfless service. The reward for it will come of its own accord….whatever you do, do it with all your heart and to your full satisfaction. The satisfaction will give you the reward and recompense. It will confer all the strength…Acquire this true wealth.
Characteristics of Selfless Service:
- Selfless service to others develops awareness of the truth of oneness.
- God Himself, and the elements of nature, such as the sun and earth, provide supreme examples of selfless service
- Selfless service is the means to develop the spirit of sacrifice.
- Selfless service promotes tolerance, love, inner peace, and the experience of the brotherhood of man.
- Selfless service provides practice in all human values, including sacrifice.
We had an opportunity to show Mother Teresa’s life story of selfless service to mankind. (please, Che k with our students what did they understood with selfless service with this story)
The remaining 2 more characteristics will be continued in the next class
Swami quote:
Help Ever, Hurt never
Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Life Application
Choose one selfless service at –
family / home / school / community
- Expectations
- Reward
- Personal gain
Share your experience in the next class
Closing prayers:
The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.
If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next class.
Sai Rama
19th Dec Summary:
“Talent Show”
Summary of the class:
We started our class with Omkara 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayatri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation.
We shared the story of Jesus Birth and the gifts from 3 Kings. We also discussed Swami’s message for Christmas and the importance of Love. Later, each one of our students presented their talent to the class and we all had a wonderful time.
Swami’s Quote:
Jesus taught that God is Love. Instead of recognizing this basic truth, men are allowing hatred, envy, and other evil qualities to pollute their love. Man is gifted with the quality of love not to express it for selfish purposes but to direct it towards God. Jesus declared that there was nothing great about returning good for good. They should do good even to those who harm them.
The ideals taught by Jesus should be put into practice. That is the right way to celebrate his birthday. Whomsoever you adore, you must try to live up to his teachings.
Life Application:
Service Projects:
Christmas is all about spreading love, joy, and happiness. Participate in any of the projects and share your experiences with us in the next class.
Closing prayers:
The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.
Happy Holidays! See you in the New Year, 2022!
12th Dec 2021
“Selfless Love”
Attendance: 32/35
Summary of the class:
We started our class with Omkara 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayatri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation. It was a wonderful class with teams presenting and performing on their stories, morals, and Swami’s teachings.
- Lord Rama’s Story – Love, Respect & Obedience
- Sravan Kumar’s Story – Dedication & love
- Saint Pundalik’s Story – Service & Devotion
Swami Says:
Love your Parents and Show your Gratitude. The most sacred teaching of the Vedas are –
Matru Devo Bhava,
Pitru Devo Bhava,
Acharya Devo Bhava
We had Shivani Gadeplalli (Group 3 Student) visit our class and teach us a wonderful Bhajan.
You are my mother, you are my father, you are my nearest, dearest, friend
You are the ocean, you are the mountains, you are the beginning, and the end
I love you, Lord, you make me see
See you in everyone, see you in me
Sai I am in you and you are in me
Please check Group 2 SSSE what’s app for the audio file.
Life application:
- Take the teaching/or takeaways from three stories and apply them to your everyday practice, then share your results in the next class
- We will be celebrating Christmas in our next class. Bring your skills, creativity and we’ll show them off next week.
- Join Us with a Christmas dress, colors, and joy for the next class
Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers:
The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.
If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next class.
Sai Ram
5th Dec 2021
“Selfless Love”
Attendance: 27/35
Summary of the class:
We started our class with Omkara 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayatri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation.
We discussed last week’s life application and how children practiced selfless love towards parents
The class topic was how to Recognize and share Selfless love with Parents.
We had breakout rooms to discuss 3 different stories about Love, Respect, Obedience, devotion, service and dedication towards Parents –
- Lord Rama’s Story – Love, Respect & Obedience
- Sravan Kumar’s Story – Dedication & love
- Saint Pundalik’s Story – Service & Devotion
Swami Says:
” Revere Your Mother and Father As GOD”
Life application:
Team building activities with each group, every team will communicate and connect this week so they get to present their story, their learning, morals, and what are the action plans they will be practicing in their life to show selfless love towards parents. And will have a great opportunity to share in the class next week.
Things to keep in mind regarding presentation
- Each team will have 15 mins to present in the class.
- Everyone in the group must participate
- Research, collaborate and build your presentation in a creative way.
Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers:
The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful. If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers.
Sai Ram
28th Nov 2021
No SSSE class was conducted as it was Thanksgiving Holiday Week
If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers.
21st Nov 2021
“Selfless Love”
Attendance: 23/35
Summary of class:
We started our class with Omkara 3 times and our activities – Chanting of Gayatri Mantra, reading out its meaning, and Jyothi Meditation. We played a game on Kahoot, themed on Swami’s Birthday and Thanksgiving.
We discussed last week’s life application, experience from daily Prayer, and Meditation
In this class, we introduce the topic of Selfless Love. And the best example of selfless love is our parents.
Our class was focused on Selfless Love – our Parents, we watched the below videos:
Swami Says:
As you take care of your parents, you will be taken care of by your children. Therefore, at this age, we must know the value of respecting our parents. I tell the boys many times that your blood, food, head and mind are given by your parents. So first you must pay your respect to your parents. Since parents have given you birth and have brought you up, you must first pay respect to them, even before God. God has given us mud and water, but the pots are made by the potters and not by God. In the same way, God has created our parents, and they, in turn, have given us this form. We owe this form to our parents. Your parents are the foundation of this body. Therefore it is said, Matru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava – Mother is God, Father is God. Parents are Divine. Even today, we may find a wicked son, but never a bad mother. Parents bring you up with so much love. You should never forget your parents’ love. Remind yourself of their love and lead a life of integrity and morality.
Life application:
1. We would love you to observe the Selfless Love shown by your Parents.
2. What are your ways to show selfless love to your Parents.
3. Put it into action/ practice / express your love in a creative way and share with us here. On this link below
Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers:
The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.
If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to our next on 5th Dec 2021
Please Note – No class on 11/28/2021 as it is Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend.
Sai Ram
14th Nov 2021
No SSSE class was conducted as it was Global Akhanda Bhajan day.
If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers.
7th Nov 2021
“Self-Love – Body Is The Temple”
Attendance: 29/36
Summary of class:
We celebrated Halloween in our class, It was wonderful to see students and teachers dressed up in different characters. We started the class by chanting Om, followed by three Gayathri Mantra, meaning, and Jyoti/ light meditation.
We did share in detail last week’s life application.
Swami quote:
“Start the day with love,
Spend the day with love,
Fill the day with love,
End the day with love,
This is the way to God!
In today’s class we focused on the physical body and how important hydration, nutrition, cleanliness and exercise are to maintain our body. We talked about the physical form of our body and the aura around when we are filled with light, love, and divinity
We watched the video about aura – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F7DmBLT9DQ
Life application:
1) Follow Swami’s quote every day
2) Pray every day and feel the change in your energy/ vibrations.
-Do Jyoti/light meditation every day. The link is attached below.
3) Share your experiences with us in, next class.
Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers:
The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.
If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers.
Please note, we do not have SSSE class next week as there will be Global Akhanda Bhajan. Looking forward to seeing you all in the class on 21st Nov.
31st Oct 2021
“Mind-emotions-awareness, acknowledgment & processing”
Attendance: 32/36
Summary of class:
We celebrated Halloween in our class, It was wonderful to see students and teachers dressed up in different characters. We started the class by chanting Om, followed by three Gayathri Mantra, meaning, and Jyoti/ light meditation.
We did share in detail last week’s life application.
Swami quote:
“Start the day with love,
Fill the day with love.”
Today’s class was about acknowledging and processing emotions. We watched the following two videos.
Here are some of the ideas or suggestions for expressing your emotions and finding ways to let them out.
- Taking a walk
- Quiet time/ alone time
- Hug
- Listening
- Asking for one more opportunity/ chance
- Talking to parents, teachers, and adults nearby
- Meditation, chanting, bhajan, writing (& tearing/ crumpling)
Life application:
1) It is the practical application of lessons in-class teaching how to practice in daily life as a family. In this class, we have the following practice-
Color activity-experience your emotions color!
- Take a tight lid jar.
- Fill it with water.
- Add glue-up to one spoon.
- Add the color/glitter of your emotion.
- Shake it well.
- Watch it settling down.
- Note your observation and share it with us in the next class.
And continue with 2 – 4 from previous life applications.
Individually each student shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers:
The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and Shanti”- May all the beings in all worlds be happy and peaceful.
If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to seeing you all in the next class.
24th Oct 2021
“Self Love”
Attendance: 25/36
Summary of the class:
We started the class with chanting Om, followed by three Gayathri Mantra, meaning and Jyoti/ light meditation.
We did shared in detail last week’s life application. Today’s class we did special activity in breakout rooms and did discussion which emotions they connected the most after watching movie “Inside Out”. Share your experience in detail. We had wonderful insight of their most felt emotions.
Swami says: “Start the day with love!”
Life application:
It is practical application of lesson in class teaching how to practice in daily life as a family . This class we have following practices-
1. Be aware of your emotions for coming week and each day put them into various colors as follows-Red-anger ,Green-disgust, blue-sadness, yellow-joy and purple for fear. Color them with Emoji’s. Share your homework into following google link.
And continue with 2 – 4 from previous life applications.
Individually each students shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers:
Class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and shanti”- May all the beings in all words be happy and peace.
If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to see you all in next class.
17th Oct 2021
“Self Love”
Attendance: 29/36
Summary of the class:
We started the class with chanting Om, followed by three Gayathri Mantra, meaning and Jyoti/ light meditation.
We did shared in detail last week’s life application.
Today’s class discussion what is self love? Swami says body is temple, we must take care of it at all three levels, mind-emotional,
body- physical and
We saw two short videos of Inside-Out a movie to understand different emotions
Valli from group-3 came and shared tips for practicing Go Green. Link is shared below,
Shivani from group 3 was invited to help practice bhajan in the class :
Bhajan: https://sairhythms.sathyasai.org/song/i-keep-feeling-your-love
2 students from boys ( Aryaman and saketh) and 2 girls (Humana and sahasra) are singing in the center bhajans this coming Thursday.
Swami says: “Life is love, enjoy it!”
Life application:
Adding to the list of life applications shared last week, please do the below:
Watch Insight Out movie with the family. Which emotion did you connect with? write it down and draw emoji. You can get creative as you want. Take a picture and post it on folder below.
And continue with 2 – 4 from previous life applications.
Individually each students shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers-
The class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and shanti”- May all the beings in all words be happy and peaceful.
If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to see you all in next class.
10th Oct 2021:
“Responding With Love”
Attendance: 28/36
Summary of the class:
We started the class with chanting Om, followed by three Gayathri Mantra, meaning and Jyoti/ light meditation.
We did discussed in detail last week’s life application.
Bhajan: https://sairhythms.sathyasai.org/song/i-keep-feeling-your-love
Please practice at home with link sent in whats app parents chat so 2 students from boys and girls can sing in the center bhajans this month
Swami says: “Help ever; Hurt never”
Life application:
It is practical application of lesson in class teaching how to practice in daily life as a family . This class we have following practices-
- Practice Jyoti/ light meditation with your family. Practice Light meditation everyday. Link of meditation is as follows- https://youtu.be/C9kpnGyOJSI
2. https://www.sssgc-usa.org/1008sadhana/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/SSE1day1008Flyer-sssgc.pdf
Please check this link and choose the choice of sadhana /practice as a individual and as a family. https://www.sssgc-usa.org/1008sadhana/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/SSE1day1008Flyer-sssgc.pdf
Swami’s centenary birthday celebrations, there’s a personal sadhana initiative happening for 1008 days starting 19 Th Aug of this year, which culminate on Nov 23rd 2025.
All of us can participate as per our convenience, including children.
Please check out the details here
For children, these are various sadhana that they can choose from
3.Swami Birthday Offering

Please choose a challenge to transform. As Swami always says I do not need your devotion I need your transformation.
4. Watch Insight Out movie with family. Which emotion you connect with? write it down and draw emoji. You can get creative as you want. Take a picture and post it on folder below.
Individually each students shared and wrote their affirmation for the day.
Closing prayers-
Class was concluded by chanting three times “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” and shanti”- May all the beings in all words be happy. and peace.
If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the teachers. Looking forward to see you all in next class.