
CLASS  DATE: 02/09/25 TEACHER(S):  2A – Hima, Lalitha; 2B – Sharanya, Sumithra
Theme: Self-Esteem  Attendance:  31/42

Summary of this week’s class:

Class 2A:

Our class started with opening prayers, SOHAM meditation. We revised the previous class namams from Ashtotram and then learned new namams 25-30. We had a quick recap of last class and moved to topic for the week. We talked about “The turtle who could not swim”. Once the story was done we talked about the turtle how he became a happy turtle. We discussed how to build self-esteem – not to compare with others but understand the strengths within us. Kids participated in the discussion as we reinforced all the topics we discussed in previous classes how they help building our self-esteem. 

As a class activity, we made the cards for Wakemed hospital which they thoroughly enjoyed.

Note for Parents: 

  1. We have an interesting assignment glued in their notebooks. Please ask your children to check it out and ask them to fill it out.
  2. Encourage to practice Ashtothram pinned in the whatsapp group
  3. Remind them about “SAIRAM KIT”, “SAADHANA”, “DAILY PRAYERS”

Class 2B:

The class started with prayers, Ashtotram chanting and SOHAM meditation. We did a quick recap of last class and started with our new topic self Esteem. We discussed the difference between self confidence and self esteem. Next, we moved on to an interesting story ‘ the little turtle who couldn’t swim’. We had a very interesting discussion on the key takeaways from the story and also discussed how to improve self esteem .

We also discussed how Abraham Lincoln believed in his own strengths and became the President of the country. Next for activity time, they all made beautiful Valentines card for patients in Wakemed hospital. Children really enjoyed the activity, spreading positivity and Love. 

We ended our class with finishing prayers.

Discussion points for parents:

  1. Ask them how Mr.Croaker helped the turtle.
  2. What helps improve self esteem?
  3. How did they feel doing the service activity?
  4. Children are doing a wonderful job chanting the Ashtotram, please encourage them to continue practicing and please remind them to use their Sairam Kit.

Also, as part of Bhagawan’s centenary celebrations, the Go Green team will be sharing tips every week under the program titled ‘Become an Eco champ’. Please see the video below: