Weekly Notes

1.26.25 Recap

Sai Ram, Anjana offered a wonderful tool to help us be aware of our mental emotional state through the day, our triggers, pre plan how we’ll get above 50% once we have fallen below, and how different the outcomes are if we first get ourselves above 50%. Please see the Anger Management slideshow (presented previously) for details.

Homework: Practice, practice, practice. Really be aware of your mental emotional state through the day and where you are on that 100% scale. If you are below 50% what are five ways that you can get above 50%? In situations with your children, in the moment, how will you get yourself above 50%? In challenges with your partner, in the moment, how will you get yourself above 50%? Pre-plan these and try them out this week. In our next class we’ll dive deeper into these ideas and brainstorm more ways to improve.